Linux-UNIX: Preparing to install K-TAP

The S-TAP installation process checks the database kernel to determine whether a K-TAP has been created to work with that kernel. If not, the K-TAP Loader can create the K-TAP by compiling it, or by using the FlexLoad mechanism. For Linux databases, you can check in advance using the Finding the correct K-TAP version for your Linux kernel database, if there is a matching K-TAP.

This flow is relevant for S-TAP installation with both GIM and non-GIM.

FlexLoad mechanism guidelines:
  • SUSE requires that the primary kernel version (for example, 4.12.14 of the version 4.12.14-23.1) matches and the vendor specific version falls within range of a release: the digits following 4.12.14 have to be higher than the existing module in the list.
  • All others require that the primary kernel version (X.Y.Z) matches in addition to the major vendor specific version number (A in X.Y.Z-A.B.C). The digits following X.Y.Z in the OS kernel version have to be higher than the module to be flex loaded. For example, kernel 3.10.0-514.6.1.el7.ppc64le would accept a flex match for a module built for 3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.ppc64le.
  • In all cases, the kernel module representing the most recent kernel that matches the rules, and also is older than the kernel version installed, is chosen. Module families also need to match, for example, el5, el6, el7, pae, x86_64, and so on.
  1. For Linux databases only: Check if your database operating system-kernel version has a K-TAP module match.
    1. On your database, as user root, run the command: uname -r to output only the kernel version. The kernel version is similar to: 2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.
    2. Open the Finding the correct K-TAP version for your Linux kernel database.
    3. Paste in your kernel version, select your Guardium version and operating system, and click Search. The database filters to show the relevant K-TAP version. There are three possibilities:
      • The Match column displays either Exact. There is an exact match. You can proceed with the S-TAP installation.
      • The Match column displays either Flex. Enable the FlexLoad mechanism when installing S-TAP, (step 4), or have the S-TAP compile the K-TAP during installation (step 3).
      • There is no match at all. In this case you can either have S-TAP compile the K-TAP, or you can order a custom build (step 6).
  2. For non-Linux databases: Look at the list of supported kernels in the fix pack of the target S-TAP install version , for example, from Fix Central.
    • If there is a match, You can proceed with the S-TAP installation.
    • If there is no match, you can either compile the K-TAP during S-TAP installation (step 3), you can try to Flex Load (step 4), or you can order a custom K-TAP (Linux-UNIX: Requesting a K-TAP module).
  3. If K-TAP Loader did not find an exact match or a close match, AND if FlexLoad mechanism is OFF, AND if the database system has the required packages installed (see Linux-UNIX: S-TAP compilation of K-TAP), it attempts to build one to match your Linux kernel. All you need to build the K-TAP is the S-TAP installer.
  4. If K-TAP Loader cannot find the correct kernel module, AND if FlexLoad mechanism is ON, K-TAP Loader finds the closest matching kernel module and loads it. The FlexLoad mechanism is controlled by:
    • GIM installation: KTAP_ALLOW_MODULE_COMBOS
    • shell installation: --ktap_allow_module_combos
    • RPM: --set-flexload
  5. If you ordered a custom K-TAP build, after two weeks you'll have a custom modules-xxx.tgz file. You specify that file during the shell install with the --modules flag, or with the GIM_ALLOW_CUSTOMED_BUNDLES flag when installing with GIM.
  6. If K-TAP cannot load the kernel module by any of these three modes, it informs you with a "Failed to load" message. It either installs the S-TAP without the K-TAP (and with PCAP instead), or fails the S-TAP installation. If you reach this point, you'll need to order a custom K-TAP build.
  7. If you have several systems running the same Linux distribution, you can build a K-TAP on one system and copy it to the others. For example, you might build a K-TAP on a test system and then copy it to one or more production database servers after testing. If you use GIM to install the S-TAP, GIM can automatically copy the bundle containing the new K-TAP to a Guardium® system from which you can distribute it to other database servers.