Before you restore your Guardium system

Review the prerequisites to restoring, and understand the restore flow.

Before you begin

Before you start the appliance recovery process, verify that you have the following information:
  • New physical or virtual appliance.
  • ISO image of Guardium software.
  • The same patches that were installed on the appliance when the last system backup was taken.
  • Latest system backup files.
  • Daily archive files.
  • License, SSL certificates, and any settings that must be set manually.

For information about what data is restored during a backup restore, see restore backup.

About this task

The following items are not backed up and must be installed or configured manually to complete the disaster recovery process:
  • License - Reinstall the license manually.
  • SSL Certificate: SSL certificates are not backed up. You need to reinstall them manually.
  • Language: Use the CLI command store language to change from English (default).
  • Network Time Protocol (NTP) settings: Use the CLI command store system ntp with the server and state options to complete NTP server configuration.
  • Time zone: Use the CLI command store system clock timezone to configure the system time zone.
  • Enterprise search data: Data is not saved in the backup, and is not available in dashboards on a restored system.
  • If you are using Tivoli Storage Manager or Centera as a storage location, configure the appliance to support it before you attempt to restore the backup files.
Tip: If you restore a configuration system backup from an appliance where SAML was configured, and then restore the system on a different appliance with different hostname or IP address, you must reconfigure SAML on the new appliance after you restore. Most identity providers (IdPs) require each hostname or IP to have its own registration. Therefore, the original registration of the appliance where the backup was taken is not valid on the second appliance where it is restored.
Note: As part of the restore backup dialog, you can choose to either override or restore configuration details for risk spotter and for central manager and managed units registration, as follows.
  • Enter Y to maintain the current configuration of the central manager and managed units in your Guardium system.
  • Enter N to restore the managed configuration of your Guardium environment from your system back up.
Limitation: Restored data does not include quick search data.


To start the restore, enter the CLI command restore backup.
The script has a few options, depending on what you want to do. The following example shows many of the options, but your system might differ.
restore backup

This procedure will restore a DATA or CONFIG backup file or both onto a v11.0 system.

Continue (y/n)?
List of available DATA backup files:

1. 2020-02-12-0402-<server>-SQLGUARD_DATA-11.0.tgz

Please choose a DATA file to restore (1-1, i to import, s to skip, or q to quit):

Please choose i to import, s to skip, or q to quit):

List of available file transfer methods:

1. SCP
2. FTP
3. TSM
6. IBMCloud

Please enter the number of your choice: (q to quit) 1
Enter the remote host: <remote host>
Enter the remote host username: <username>
Enter the remote directory: <remote dir>
Enter the remote file name (file name may use wildcard *): 2020-02-12-0402-<server>-11.0.tgz
Enter the password for <username>@<remote host>? ********

Enter the SCP port if you need to use a special port.
Enter "0" or press "Enter key" to use the default port.

Attempting to retrieve file. It may take time. Please wait.
During the transfer, please do not enter the password or answer any questions.
spawn /usr/bin/scp -4 <remote host user name>@<remote host>:<remote directory>2020-02-12-0402-<server>-SQLGUARD_CONFIG-11.0.tgz /var/tmp/import_file_transfer.VEakM/tmp/
Warning: Permanently added '<remote host>' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
CentOS release 5.3 (Final)
This computer system including all related equipment, network devices
(specifically including Internet access), are provided only for authorized
use. Unauthorized use may subject you to criminal prosecution. By accessing
this system, you have agreed to the term and condition of use and your
actions will be monitored and recorded.
echo `uname -a`
<username>@<remote host>'s password:
2020-02-12-0402-<server>-11.0.tgz 100% 5659KB 42.9MB/s 00:00
SUCCESS: 2020-02-12-0402-<server>-11.0.tgz transferred to /var/dump/restore

List of available CONFIG backup files:

1. 2020-02-12-0402-<server>-SQLGUARD_CONFIG-11.0.tgz
2. 2020-02-12-0403-<server>-SQLGUARD_CONFIG-11.0.tgz
3. 2020-02-12-0403-<server>-SQLGUARD_CONFIG-11.0.tgz.dec

Please choose a CONFIG file to restore (1-3, i to import, s to skip, or q to quit):

Decrypting the CONFIG file...

Extracting the CONFIG file...

CONFIG backup file attributes (to be restore):

Name: 2020-02-12-0402-<server>-11.0.tgz
Type: Manager/Aggregator
Version: 11.0
GPU: 0
CFP: 0
Bundle: 0
Snif: 0