Adding tags while defining policy rules

It is easy to add tags while creating or editing policy rules. Tagging allows you to add rules to Guardium's predefined collections or establish your own collections of rules. It's also possible to include the same rule in multiple collections by applying multiple tags.

Before you begin

Open the Policy Builder for Data and begin working with the Rules section of a specific policy.


  1. From the Rules section of the Policy Builder for Data, use the new icon to create a new rule, or select an existing rule and use the edit icon to edit.
  2. From the Rule definition section, use the Tags menu to add or remove tags on the rule.
    • Use the check boxes to select to deselect tags.
    • Use the new icon to create new tags.
  3. Continue working with rule definition, rule criteria, and rule action.
  4. Click OK to save the rule and apply the tags.