
Return the value of a GIM global parameter.

This API is available in Guardium V10.1.4 and later.

GuardAPI syntax

gim_get_global_param parameter=value


Parameter Value type Description
paramName String Required. Name of the parameter to set, listed in the following table.
Parameter name Value type Description
auto_install_on_db_server_os_upgrade Boolean If enabled, automatically upgrade modules when the client operating system vendor version changes. Valid values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
Default = 0

For more information, see Linux®-UNIX: Managing GIM clients when upgrading your database server operating system, and Managing S-TAP when upgrading your database operating system.

dynamic_alive_enabled Boolean Controls the dynamic alive feature. Valid values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
Default = 0

For more information, see GIM dynamic updating.

enable_secure_unauthenticated_communication Boolean If enabled, allow unauthenticated GIM communication over a secure port: communication between the GIM client and server are encrypted with SSL on port 8444, but the communication is handled without using certificates for peer authentication. Valid values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
Default = 0

The enable_secure_unauthenticated_communication allows distributing new GIM client certificates when it is time to replace certificates.

gim_auto_certificate_distribution Boolean Controls automatic distribution of certificates to GIM clients. Valid values:
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
Default = 0

For more information, see Create and manage GIM certificates.

gim_file_upload_token string Define the GIM file upload exchange token.
gim_listener_default_port string Define the GIM listener default port.

Default = 88445

For more information, see Gim server allocation.

gim_listener_default_shared_secret string Define the GIM listener encrypted shared secret.

For more information, see Gim server allocation.

gim_quick_start_enabled Boolean Controls the GIM quick start feature. Valid values:
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
Default = 0


Return the value of the gim_listener_default_port parameter.

grdapi gim_get_global_param paramName=gim_listener_default_portID=0