
Use the gim_assign_latest_bundle_or_module_to_client API to assign the latest (that is, the highest version) available bundle or module to a specified client.

This API is similar to gim_assign_bundle_or_module_to_client_by_version. However gim_assign_latest_bundle_or_module_to_client always assigns the most recent version of the bundle or module to the client.

This API is available in Guardium V9.5 and later.

REST API syntax

This API is available as a REST service with the PUT method. Call this API as follows:
PUT https://[Guardium hostname or IP address]:8443/restAPI/gim_assign_latest_bundle

GuardAPI syntax

gim_assign_latest_bundle_or_module_to_client parameter=value


Parameter Value type Description
clientIP String Required.
module String Required.


grdapi gim_assign_latest_bundle_or_module_to_client clientIP=  module=BUNDLE_STAP