Prerequisites for the compliance and application data monitoring smart assistant

The compliance and application data monitoring wizard has two optional prerequisites: deploying monitoring agents (S-TAPs) to database servers and gathering database credentials to allow Guardium to scan for tables containing sensitive data. Either of these steps can be completed later.

Before you begin

Open the compliance and application data monitoring wizard by navigating to Setup > Smart Assistant > Compliance monitoring and selecting either the Compliance summary tab or the Application summary tab. Click the add icon to configure a new compliance type or the edit icon to edit an existing configuration.


  1. From the Before you begin section, review the notes and prerequisites.
    • Monitoring agents (S-TAPs) must be installed on database servers in order to monitor data. The agents do not need to be installed before completing the compliance monitoring configuration, but monitoring will not actually begin until the agents are installed.
    • Use Setup > Tools and Views > Configure Universal Connector to establish monitoring with universal connectors. Universal connectors appear in Compliance Monitoring only after they have active traffic.
    • Guardium needs appropriate database credentials to scan for and discover database tables containing sensitive data. If you want to configure discovery at this time, you will need to have the database credentials ready. Otherwise, credentials can be supplied later.
  2. Click the Next button to continue.