Linux-UNIX: Configure and activate A-TAP steps for Teradata database

Step 1: Determine the user running gtwgateway and the path

For Example:

su11u1x64-tera:~ # ps -ef | grep gtwgateway

teradata 5000 4608 0 Jan03 ? 00:00:05 /usr/tgtw/bin/gtwgateway

root 20128 20063 0 12:35 pts/0 00:00:00 grep gtwgateway

gtwgateway runs as user teradata

Set parameter --db-user=teradata to guardctl

Path to gtwgateway is /usr/tgtw/bin/gtwgateway. This is the default value for the parameter tdc_gtwgateway and as such does not need to be specified.

Otherwise, the parameter should be --tdc_gtwgateway=/usr/tgtw/bin/gtwgateway

Step 2: Determine the path to pdemain

Typically, this will be /usr/pde/bin/pdemain

For Example:

su11u1x64-tera:~ # ps -ef | grep pdemain

root 4608 1 0 Jan03 ? 00:00:25 pdemain –debug

su11u1x64-tera:~ # ls -l /proc/4608/exe

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root tdtrusted 0 2015-01-03 01:20 /proc/4608root 20620 20063

0 12:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep pdemain/exe ->


Checking the inodes for this file and /usr/pde/bin/pdemain, we see that they are the same.

su11u1x64-tera:~ # ls -li /opt/teradata/tdat/pde/15h.00.00.07/bin/pdemain

1638875 -r-xr-xr-x 1 teradata tdtrusted 1294666 2014-01-22 01:40


su11u1x64-tera:~ # ls -li /usr/pde/bin/pdemain

1638875 -r-xr-xr-x 1 teradata tdtrusted 1294666 2014-01-22 01:40


Since the inodes are the same and the default value for --db-home=/usr/pde, the parameter in this case does not need to be specified. Otherwise, you can specify --db-home=/opt/teradata/tdat/pde/15h.00.00.07 or --db-home=/usr/pde since bin/pdemain in both paths is the same file hardlinked in this case.

Step 3: Stop the Teradata instance

For Example:

su11u1x64-tera:~ # /etc/init.d/tgtw stop

tgtw Shutdown complete

su11u1x64-tera:~ # /etc/init.d/tpa stop

PDE stopped for TPA shutdown

Step 4: Authorize the DB user to the Guardium group

For Example:

/usr/local/guardium/guard_stap/guardctl --db-instance=teradata authorize-user

Step 5: Store the configuration for A-TAP using the parameters determined in steps 1 and 2.

For Example:

/usr/local/guardium/guard_stap/guardctl --db-instance=teradata

--tdc_gtwgateway=/usr/tgtw/bin/gtwgateway --db-type=teradata

--db-home=/opt/teradata/tdat/pde/15h.00.00.07 --db-user=teradata store-conf

Step 6: Activate A-TAP

For Example:

/usr/local/guardium/guard_stap/guardctl --db-instance=teradata activate

Step 7: Restart the Teradata instance

For Example:

su11u1x64-tera:~ # /etc/init.d/tpa start

Teradata Database Initiator service is starting...

Teradata Database Initiator service started successfully.

su11u1x64-tera:~ # /etc/init.d/tgtw start

tgtw Startup complete