Why is the Guardium internal database is filling up
If the Guardium internal database is filling up, you can purge the data manually or as part of the regular purge strategy.
- Cannot log in to GUI.
- tomcat error on GUI.
- Size of DB from System View approaching 100%.
- Receiving alerts that indicate the database size is getting larger.
The Guardium internal database can fill up for many reasons. For more information about a general approach to resolving the situation, see: Managed unit database is filling up. Use the guidelines in Resolving the problem along with Managed unit database is filling up to help resolve the problem. If you are unable to take any of the actions, use the general steps in Managed unit database is filling up to lower the database size.The reason that the internal database fills up can often be determined by analyzing the largest tables in the database. Each table has different processes that cause it to grow and different strategies for managing its size.
Resolving the problem
- Check the largest tables in CLI. Enter: support show db-top-tables
Example output:Table Size (M) | I/D % | Unused(M) | Est. Rows | Name -------------- | ----- | --------- | --------- | ---------- 132526 | 17 | 22621 | 46144369 | GDM_CONSTRUCT_TEXT 20669 | 213 | 25 | 6738570 | GDM_CONSTRUCT_INSTANCE 19399 | 126 | 11 | 1051215 | GDM_POLICY_VIOLATIONS_LOG 1038 | 241 | 4 | 254991 | REPORT_RESULT_DATA_ROW 987 | 172 | 24 | 166504 | GDM_SESSION 860 | 29 | 0 | 516276 | GDM_FIELD 743 | 248 | 7 | 90036 | GDM_OBJECT
- Start with your largest table. Use the actions to help reduce the size in the long term. The
most common largest tables are listed here, with the causes for filling up, and the actions to stop
the problem in the long term. The list is not exhaustive. Use this information along with an overall
purging strategy.
- Cause
- All data that is captured by a policy rule with Log full details action is written to this table.
- Cause
- All policy rules with alerting action, except Alert only write to this table, and they send alerts by the defined method (for example, Syslog). Correlation alerts log to this table if Log policy violation is selected in the definition.
- Cause
- The results of audit processes are stored in this table. They are only purged when:
- They are cleared from all receiver to-do lists.
- The conditions for removal in the definition are met. (By default the results of the last five runs are kept)
- The results of audit processes are stored in this table. They are only purged when:
- Cause
- The exception table can be filled with Guardium created exceptions (for example - parser errors) or exceptions from the monitored database (for example - SQL errors).