Linux-UNIX: Configuring S-TAP
Learn to configure the S-TAP.
To configure an S-TAP, you need to make changes to the guard_tap.ini file that resides in the S-TAP default directory under /usr/local/guardium.
When you make changes to an S-TAP, Guardium
updates the following files:
- guard_tap.ini - The current working S-TAP configuration file.
- guard_tap.ini.default_orig - The default guard_tap.ini file
- guard_tap.ini.save_default - The default file saved before you make any configuration changes.
- guard_tap.ini.err - S-TAP configuration error log file.
- guard_tap.ini.bak - This file is updated with the last successfully saved S-TAPconfiguration that passes parameters validation.
- guard_tap.ini.prev - This file is updated with the last successfully saved S-TAP configuration that passes parameters validation and starts the S-TAP without error.
In general, you never need to touch the guard_tap.ini files. You can configure the S-TAP either in the GUI or by using the guard_config_update command.