Linux-UNIX: Disabling Teradata exit

Follow this procedure to disable the Teradata exit library.


  1. Verify that the “gtwgateway” process is running. Check that the Teradata database is running with your Teradata Administrator, or by using the UNIX command:
    pdestate -a
    The response should be:
    PDE state is RUN/STARTED.
    DBS state is 5: Logons are enabled - The system is quiescent
  2. As root, unload the Teradata Exit library by entering:
    /usr/tgtw/bin/gtwcontrol --monitorlib load=no
  3. Stop the Teradata database:
    1. Stop the Teradata service:
      /etc/init.d/tpa stop 
      /etc/init.d/tgtw stop
    2. Verify that the Teradata database is stopped with your Teradata Administrator, or by using the UNIX command:
      pdestate -a
      The response should be:
      PDE state: DOWN/HARDSTOP
  4. If you are never going to enable the library again, delete the directory site by entering:
    rm -f <teradata_install_directory>/tdat/tgtw/site