Viewing trust evaluator status

The Status window shows the progress of the probability engine as it learns the typical behaviors of traffic for your system.

Click View status to open the Status window.
Note: The status includes PAUSED or IDLE when no traffic is seen for at least 15 minutes. When Guardium detects traffic again, the trust evaluator restarts, the status updates.
Table 1. Status types
Status Meaning
FIRST STAGE LEARNING The initial 7-day learning period.
SECOND STAGE LEARNING The secondary 24-hour contiguous learning period
TRAINED Training is complete. Guardium is issuing trust scores.
RETRAINING Issuing trust scores using current learning data. However, Guardium is training a secondary model in the background. When learning completes the old model is quietly replaced.
IMMEDIATE RETRAINING Guardium discards the current training data and begins the training from the first stage. This status generally indicates that Guardium found too many anomalous connections. The probability engine will discard the current training data and retrain from scratch.