Guardium Activity domain
All modifications performed by Guardium users to any Guardium entity, such as a report or query definition or modification. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.
Available to roles: admin
Guardium Activity Types
This entity describes the various user activities
Attribute | Description |
Activity Type Description | Description of the activity |
Activity Type ID | Uniquely identifies the activity type. |
Guardium User Activity Audit Entity
This entity is created for each Guardium user activity.
Attribute | Description |
Login ID | ID used for login. |
User Name | Guardium® user name for the activity. |
Timestamp | Created when the activity was logged. |
Modified Entity | The Guardium entity modified (a group definition, for example). |
Entity Key Used | Key used to access the entity. |
Key Value | New value of the entity. |
All Values | All values altered. |
Object Description | The name of specific object altered. |
Global ID | A unique global ID for the session. |
Host Name | Host name of the user. |