Guardium Activity domain

All modifications performed by Guardium users to any Guardium entity, such as a report or query definition or modification. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.

Available to roles: admin

Guardium Activity Types

This entity describes the various user activities

Attribute Description
Activity Type Description Description of the activity
Activity Type ID Uniquely identifies the activity type.

Guardium User Activity Audit Entity

This entity is created for each Guardium user activity.

Attribute Description
Login ID ID used for login.
User Name Guardium® user name for the activity.
Timestamp Created when the activity was logged.
Modified Entity The Guardium entity modified (a group definition, for example).
Entity Key Used Key used to access the entity.
Key Value New value of the entity.
All Values All values altered.
Object Description The name of specific object altered.
Global ID A unique global ID for the session.
Host Name Host name of the user.