CM Buffer Usage Monitor domain

Shows the aggregate of all Sniffer Buffer Usage Entities that have been uploaded to the central manager. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.

CM Buffer Usage Monitor entity

Attribute Description
Sniffer Buffer Usage ID Unique ID.
Timestamp Time the record was created.
Sniffer CPU PCT Percentage of CPU used by sniffer.
Sniffer Mem PCT Percentage of memory used by sniffer.
MySQL CPU PCT Percentage of CPU used by MySQL.
MySQL MEM PCT Percentage of memory used by MySQL.
PID Sniffer process identifier.
Memory Amount of memory used by sniffer.
Time Elapsed time used by sniffer.
Free Buffer Amount of free buffer space.
Analyzer Rate Rate at which messages being analyzed.
Analyzer Queue Size of the analyze queue.
Analyzer Total Total number of messages analyzed.
Logger Queue Size of logger queue.
Logger Total Total number of message logged.
Session Queue Size of session queue.
Session Total Total number of sessions.
Handler Data Internal sniffing engine data.
Extra STR Internal sniffing engine data.
Sniffer Connections Used Total number of connections currently being monitored since inspection engine was restarted.
Sniffer Packets Dropped Packets dropped by sniffer.
Sniffer Packets Ignored Packets ignored by sniffer.
Sniffer Packets Throttled Total number of connections that have been ignored due to throttling since inspection engine was restarted.
Sniffer Connections Ended Total number of connections that were monitored and have ended since inspection engine was restarted.
Logger Session Count Count of sessions logged.
Logger Packets Ignored by Rule Packets ignored by policy rule action.
Analyzer Lost Packets Packets lost by analyzer.
Logger Dbs Monitored List of database types currently being monitored.
Mysql Is Up Boolean indicator for internal database restart (1=was restarted, 0=not restarted).
System Cpu Load System CPU utilization.
System Uptime Time since last start-up.
Mysql Disk Usage MySQL disk usage.
System Memory Usage System memory utilization.
System Var Disk Usage System var disk utilization.
System Root Disk Usage System Root disk utilization.
Eth0 Received Messages received on the primary interface.
Eth0 Sent Messages sent on the primary interface.
Promiscuous Received Rate of received packets through the sniffing network cards (non-interface ports).
Open FDs Open File Descriptors.
Open FDs MySQL Database open File Descriptors
Sessions normal Count of normal sessions.
Sessions not opened Count of sessions not opened by sniffer.
Sessions timeout Count of sessions timed-out.
Sessions ignored Count of sessions ignored by sniffer.
Session Direct closed Count of sessions directly closed .
Session guessed Count of sessions guessed.
SqlGuard Timestamp The time that the record is inserted into the custom table
Datasource Name Name of the data source used to upload the record
Analyzer Queue Drops The number of analyzer queue entries dropped by the sniffer.
Priority Queue Drops The number of priority queue entries dropped by the sniffer.