Viewing group membership and where groups are used
Learn how to view group membership and identify the policies, reports, and queries where
groups are used.
Viewing group membership
About this task
The Members and Populated by columns of the
Group Builder table summarize how many members are in a group and how the
group is populated. The following procedure describes how retrieve detailed information about group
membership and the methods used for populating the group.
Open the group builder by navigating to .
Open the Edit group dialog by selecting a group from the
Group Builder table and clicking the icon.
View group membership on the Edit group dialog by clicking the
Members tab.
Identify where a group is used
About this task
The Used in classifier, Used in policy, and
Used inquery columns of the Group Builder table
provide an overview of where groups are used in Guardium. The following procedure describes how
retrieve detailed information about the policies, queries, and reports where a group is
Open the group builder by navigating to .
Open the details panel by selecting a group from the Group Builder table
and clicking .
Attention: The View details action is only enabled when the
selected group is being used, for example by policies or queries.
Use the Policies and Queries tabs on the details
panel to view where the selected group is used in security policies, classifier policies, queries,
and reports.