Guardium app development overview

Use the Guardium® Application Framework to develop new application modules to integrate your capabilities with the Guardium Web UI.

Applications, or apps, are small plug-in modules to the Application Framework. Apps serve endpoints from within a secure container to inject the content directly into the Guardium web interface.

Each app has its own dedicated memory allocation and a defined amount of CPU resources that are allocated to it.

The main web language that is used to author an application is Python, and the Flask framework is integrated and available for use by the application.

How an application runs and interacts with Guardium

Guardium applications run inside an isolated Python Flask environment that is independent of the Guardium user interface.

The application can also use static images, scripts, and HTML pages.

All interaction with the application is proxied through the Guardium user interface. No direct access to network ports or web services is usually permitted.

Figure 1. Application Framework
Guardium app framework