GDDM V3R2 General Information
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The BookManager programs

GDDM V3R2 General Information

The BookManager programs (BookManager BUILD and BookManager READ) enable you to build online (or softcopy) versions of documents, such as product manuals, and to access those documents online. Some of the many advantages of the BookManager programs are:

  • A single copy of a book can be accessed by multiple users.
  • Retrievability of information is transformed by the processing power of the computer: the BookManager programs support searches for any word or phrase; "fuzzy" matches are supported; and resulting matches are ranked, so that matches with the best information about a search request are listed first.
  • A single document or a grouping of documents (a bookshelf) can be searched.

BookManager BUILD requires GDDM if all-points-addressable (APA) graphics are to be included in online books. In some environments, BookManager READ uses GDDM for display of both alphanumerics and APA graphics.

The GDDM 3.2 Base library is available for use with the BookManager programs. For more information about this, see Appendix, "The GDDM Version 3 library" in topic A.0.

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