GDDM V3R2 System Customization and Administration
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The 3287 printer

GDDM V3R2 System Customization and Administration

The 3287 is a 3270-data-stream color printer that supports printing of composite documents, alphanumerics, graphics, and images.

  • Suitable device tokens are L87 and L87S (for a locally attached 3287) and R87 and R87S (for a remotely attached 3287). These device tokens are listed in Appendix C, "Device tokens supplied by GDDM" in topic C.0.
  • Suitable MODEENT macros are:

            ___ LU1 SNA / SCS (if SCS is supported) ____________________________ 
           |   TYPE=1,                                                          |
           |   FMPROF=X'03',                                                    |
           |   TSPROF=X'03',                                                    |
           |   PRIPROT=X'B1',                                                   |
           |   SECPROT=X'90',                                                   |
           |   COMPROT=X'7080',                                                 |
           |   RUSIZES=X'85C7',                                                 |
           |   PSNDPAC=X'01',                                                   |
           |   SRCVPAC=X'01',                                                   |
           |   PSERVIC=X'01000001E100000000000000'                              |
           |                                                                    |

            ___ LU3 SNA (if SCS is not supported) ______________________________ 
           |   TYPE=1,                                                          |
           |   FMPROF=X'03',                                                    |
           |   TSPROF=X'03',                                                    |
           |   PRIPROT=X'B1',                                                   |
           |   SECPROT=X'90',                                                   |
           |   COMPROT=X'3080',                                                 |
           |   RUSIZES=X'8587',                                                 |
           |   PSERVIC=X'0380000000001850xxxx7F00'                              |
           |           where xxxx is the buffer size                            |
           |                                                                    |

            ___ LU0 Non SNA ____________________________________________________ 
           |   TYPE=1,                                                          |
           |   FMPROF=X'02',                                                    |
           |   TSPROF=X'02',                                                    |
           |   PRIPROT=X'71',                                                   |
           |   SECPROT=X'40',                                                   |
           |   COMPROT=X'2000',                                                 |
           |   PSERVIC=X'0080000000001850yyyy7F00'                              |
           |           where yyyy is the printer ALT BUFFER size                |
           |                                                                    |

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