/db2whrest/v1/task_status/<task_id>: GET and <task_id>/peek
Gets the status of the specified asynchronous task.
The following table shows which roles can access these two REST API endpoints:
Endpoint | Data admin | Data user | Collection Admin | Admin | Service user |
/db2whrest/v1/task_status/<task_id>: GET | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Χ | Χ |
/db2whrest/v1/task_status/<task_id>/peek: GET | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Χ | Χ |
The peek variation of this endpoint returns the status of the asynchronous operation. The nonpeek version returns both the status of the operation and a response header that includes further information. For more information about using these endpoints, see the following examples, and also see the topic Asynchronous endpoints.
Synopsis of the request URL
curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/task_status/
<task_id> -X GET
orcurl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/task_status/
<task_id>/peek -X GET
Supported request types and response formats
Supported request types:
- In this example, the user discovers that the asynchronous operation completes and finds the
location URI of the results of the operation. For more information on these steps, see the topic
Asynchronous endpoints. The user runs the
/db2whrest/v1/task_status/<task_id>: GET
endpoint on the location URI to get the results of the operation:
The results are returned in the response. Only the first two rows of the results are shown in this example:curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/ task_status/9c0db090-bd33-41c5-969f-a1603ddf49ab
0,reflib,INDEX,SCAN,MO1,,Spectrum Scale,reflib.university.edu,3067343,root,root, -rw-r--r--,root,9,10,/reflib/cellranger-2.0.0/refdata-cellranger-ercc92-1.2.0/star/, sjdbList.out.tab,tab,resdnt,NA,2016-11-14 19:40:10,2017-06-02 21:30:26,2017-06-02 21:30:26,2018-07-24 16:32:47,system,0,1,reflib.university.edureflib3067343, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,reflib,INDEX,SCAN,MO1,,Spectrum Scale,reflib.university.edu,3067333,root,root, -rw-r--r--,root,9,10,/reflib/cellranger-2.0.0/refdata-cellranger-ercc92-1.2.0/star/, chrLength.txt,txt,resdnt,NA,2016-11-14 19:40:10,2017-06-02 23:28:21,2017-06-02 21:30:26, 2018-07-24 16:32:47,system,412,1,reflib.university.edureflib3067333, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...
- In this example, the user learns that the asynchronous operation is in progress and finds the
location URI of the asynchronous operation. For more information on these tasks, see the topic Asynchronous endpoints. The user can do the following steps:
- Monitor the status of the asynchronous operation by running the
/db2whrest/v1/task_status/<task_id>/peek: GET
endpoint on the location URI of the asynchronous operation several times:
In the first few tries the response to the peek endpoint indicates that the asynchronous operation is still running:curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/ task_status/9c0db090-bd33-41c5-969f-a1603ddf8888/peek
On the final try the response to the peek endpoint indicates that the asynchronous operation completes:{"status":work scheduled}
{"status":work scheduled}
- Find the location URI of the asynchronous operation. This location URI is already available in Step 2(a), where the peek endpoint is run on it.
- Get the location URI of the results of the operation. To accomplish this task, run the
/db2whrest/v1/task_status/<task_id>: GET
endpoint on the location URI of the asynchronous operation, which you obtained in Step 2(b). The response contains the location URI of the results of the operation. - Get the results of the asynchronous operation. To accomplish this task, run the
/db2whrest/v1/task_status/<task_id>: GET
endpoint on the location URI of the results of the operation, which you obtained in Step 2(c):
The results of the asynchronous operation are returned in the response. Only the first two rows of the results are shown in this example:curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/task_status/9c0db090-bd33- 41c5-969f-a1603ddf8888
0,reflib,INDEX,SCAN,MO1,,Spectrum Scale,reflib.university.edu,3067343,root,root, -rw-r--r--,root,9,10,/reflib/cellranger-2.0.0/refdata-cellranger-ercc92-1.2.0/star/, sjdbList.out.tab,tab,resdnt,NA,2016-11-14 19:40:10,2017-06-02 21:30:26,2017-06-02 21:30:26,2018-07-24 16:32:47,system,0,1,reflib.university.edureflib3067343, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,reflib,INDEX,SCAN,MO1,,Spectrum Scale,reflib.university.edu,3067333,root,root, -rw-r--r--,root,9,10,/reflib/cellranger-2.0.0/refdata-cellranger-ercc92-1.2.0/star/, chrLength.txt,txt,resdnt,NA,2016-11-14 19:40:10,2017-06-02 23:28:21,2017-06-02 21:30:26, 2018-07-24 16:32:47,system,412,1,reflib.university.edureflib3067333, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...
- Monitor the status of the asynchronous operation by running the