Configuring service backups

Backup a service configuration from the service backup.

About this task

In the Configure Service backups, select the location type and enter the credentials to access the location. After the discovery of existing service backups, the Service protection page is displayed with a list of service backups. If no service backups are available, define a schedule with frequency and retention period, and initiate a backup.

In Backup & Restore, one hub cluster and more than one spoke clusters can be connected to easily manage application backups in multi-clusters. For various reasons, the OpenShift® Container Platform cluster may have problems and become unusable. If the cluster recovers after the expiry of the client cert, you must clean and setup to rejoin the recovered cluster to the Hub or Spoke. For the procedure to rejoin, see Reconnecting OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Note: Do not create virtual machines or PVCs on the IBM Fusion namespace, as it causes restoration failures of service protection backups.


  1. Go to Backup & Restore > Service protection.
    The Service protection page is displayed. Here, Configure Service backups and Recover service tiles are available.
  2. Select Configure Service backups.
    The Connect backup location wizard page is displayed.
  3. In the Location type tab, select the location type and click Next.
    The available location types are Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud®, S3 compliant object storage, Amazon Web Services, and Storage protect.
    The Location credentials tab page is displayed.
  4. In the Location type tab, enter the credentials to connect to your location. Enter the endpoint and bucket to use for the service protection backups. For SSL secured object storage locations, enter the Secret name for certificate.
    There are two limitations that are not enforced:
    • While the user interface does not allow the created BSL to be assigned to any other policy, it is still possible to do so by using the CR. However, do not do this action.
    • The same endpoint or bucket must not be used for service protection configuration for more than one cluster deployments at a time.
    Note: After you set the location or bucket details, you cannot edit it later.
  5. Click Add.
    Note: The discovery of existing service backups may take a minute or so. After the discovery completes, the BSL changes the status. For example, Connected.
    The Service protection page is displayed with a Service backups table.
  6. If no service backups are available, click Define schedule.
    The Define schedule window is displayed.
  7. In the Define schedule, enter the following details:
    The frequency of backup. It can be Hourly, daily, Weekly, Monthly, Custom. For Custom, you can choose a value in minutes. Select the Timezone.
    Retention period
    How long does the backup reside before automatic deletion. Select the number and its unit. For example, 30 Days.
    Initiate Service backup now
    You can use this toggle to imitate the backup immediately.
  8. Click Save.
    The Service protection page is displayed. If you had initiated service backup, then you can monitor the progress of the backup in the Service backups table. The Service backup table has Time, Status, Location, and Size. The Backup summary section is updated with details of Available backup, Used capacity, Last successful backup, and Backup policy.
  9. If you had not initiated any backup, then click Backup now in the Service backup table.
    The Backup summary section is updated with details of Available backup, Used capacity, Last successful backup, and Backup policy.