Creating image pull secret

Create an image pull secret to enable the OpenShift® cluster to authenticate with the IBM Entitled Registry. The image pull secret provides the credentials for pulling Docker images from the IBM Entitled Registry.

Before you begin


  1. Run the following command to log in to OpenShift system:
    oc login --token=<API token> --server=https://<server name>:6443
  2. Create a base64 encoded string of the credentials used to access the image registry.
    Linux example:
    echo -n "cp:GENERATED_ENTITLEMENT_KEY" | base64 -w0
    Windows example:
    echo -n "cp:GENERATED_ENTITLEMENT_KEY" | base64 -e
    Note: Replace GENERATED_ENTITLEMENT_KEY with the entitlement key that you generated in Obtaining entitlement key.
  3. Create an authority.json to include the base64 encoded string of your credentials (created in the previous step), user name (to access repository), and generated entitlement key for the IBM Cloud Container Registry.
    Windows or Linux example:
    Note: Replace BASE64_ENCODED_ENTITLEMENT_KEY with the value of base64 encoded entitlement key got from the previous step.
  4. The following step takes the authority.json and includes it as a new authority in your .dockerconfigjson, stored as a temp_config.json.
    oc get secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config -ojson | \
    jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]' | \
    base64 -d - | \
    jq '.[]."" += input' - authority.json > temp_config.json
    Note: The referenced jq command is not installed on OpenShift Container Platform clusters by default. Run the following command to install jq:
    yum install jq

    The yum install jq command is for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux systems. For other operating system, use the appropriate commands to install jq.

  5. Use the contents of the temp_config.json file and apply the updated config to the OpenShift cluster.
    oc set data secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=temp_config.json
  6. To verify whether your pull-secret is updated with your new authority, run the following command and confirm that your authority is present.
    oc get secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config -ojson | \
    jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]' | \
    base64 -d -
    The updated config is now rolled out to all the nodes in the OpenShift cluster.
  7. When the global pull secret is updated, enter the following command to remove the temporary files that were created.
    rm authority.json temp_config.json