Viewing policy history details and logs

You can view the history details, execution statistics and debug log data for all older or current metadata policies.

About this task

Follow the procedure to view policy history details and logs.


  1. Go to Metadata > Tag Management.
  2. Under Policy History, view the following information for the policy that ran recently or was run in the past.
    Policy name
    The name of the policy that was run.
    The policy type that was run.
    The time when the policy execution started.
    The time when the policy execution was completed. This column remains blank if the policy is running.
    The current or final status of the policy execution.
    Total records
    The number of indexed records that matched the policy filter criteria for this policy execution.
    The number of records that were processed successfully by the policy execution.
    The number of records that matched the filter criteria, but were skipped by the policy execution.
    The number of records that the application failed to process.
    Note: Click the table header for each column to sort the tables. You can sort tables in both ascending or descending order.
  3. Click to select a row in the policy history table.
  4. Click View log to view the run log contents for the selected policy execution.
    Note: The run log also displays the details of all failed records. You can download and debug the logs if necessary.