OCSInitialization CR

The Fusion Data Foundation bundle defines an external plugin to the OpenShift Container Platform Console, adding new screens and functionality not otherwise available in the Console. This plugin runs as a web server in the odf-console-plugin Pod, which is managed by a Deployment created by the OLM at the time of installation.

The ocs-operator automatically creates an OCSInitialization CR after it gets created. Only one OCSInitialization CR exists at any point in time. It controls the ocs-operator behaviors that are not restricted to the scope of a single StorageCluster, but only performs them once. When you delete the OCSInitialization CR, the ocs-operator creates it again and this allows you to re-trigger its initialization operations.

The OCSInitialization CR controls the following behaviors:

SecurityContextConstraints (SCCs)
After the OCSInitialization CR is created, the ocs-operator creates various SCCs for use by the component Pods.
Ceph Toolbox Deployment
Use the OCSInitialization to deploy the Ceph Toolbox Pod for the advanced Ceph operations.
Rook-Ceph Operator Configuration
This configuration creates the rook-ceph-operator-configConfigMap that governs the overall configuration for rook-ceph-operator behavior.