Responsibilities and resources
The MCG operator reconciles and is responsible for the custom resource definitions (CRDs) and OpenShift Container Platform entities.
- Backing store
- Namespace store
- Bucketclass
- Object bucket claims (OBCs)
- NooBaa, pod stateful sets CRD
- Prometheus rules and service monitoring
- Horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA)
Backing store
A resource that the customer has connected to the MCG component. This resource provides MCG the ability to save the data of the provisioned buckets on top of it.
A default backing store is created as part of the deployment depending on the platform that the OpenShift Container Platform is running on. For example, when OpenShift Container Platform or Fusion Data Foundation is deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), it results in a default backing store which is an AWS::S3 bucket. Similarly, for Microsoft Azure, the default backing store is a blob container and so on.
The default backing stores are created using CRDs for the cloud credential operator, which comes with OpenShift Container Platform. There is no limit on the amount of the backing stores that can be added to MCG. The backing stores are used in the bucket class CRD to define the different policies of the bucket. Refer the documentation of the specific Fusion Data Foundation version to identify the types of services or resources supported as backing stores.
Namespace store
Resources that are used in namespace buckets. No default is created during deployment.
A default or initial policy for a newly provisioned bucket. The following policies are set in a bucketclass:
- Placement policy
Indicates the backing stores to be attached to the bucket and used to write the data of the bucket. This policy is used for data buckets and for cache policies to indicate the local cache placement. There are two modes of placement policy:
Spread. Strips the data across the defined backing stores
Mirror. Creates a full replica on each backing store
- Namespace policy
A policy for the namespace buckets that defines the resources that are being used for aggregation and the resource used for the write target.
- Cache Policy
This is a policy for the bucket and sets the hub (the source of truth) and the time to live (TTL) for the cache items.
A default bucket class is created during deployment and it is set with a placement policy that uses the default backing store. There is no limit to the number of bucket class that can be added.
Refer to the documentation of the specific Fusion Data Foundation version to identify the types of policies that are supported.
Object bucket claims (OBCs)
CRDs that enable provisioning of S3 buckets. With MCG, OBCs receive an optional bucket class to note the initial configuration of the bucket. If a bucket class is not provided, the default bucket class is used.
NooBaa, pod stateful sets CRD
An internal CRD that controls the different pods of the NooBaa deployment such as the DB pod, the core pod, and the endpoints. This CRD must not be changed as it is internal. This operator reconciles the following entities:
DB pod SCC
Role Binding and Service Account to allow SSO single sign-on between OpenShift Container Platform and NooBaa user interfaces
Route for S3 access
Certificates that are taken and signed by the OpenShift Container Platform and are set on the S3 route
Prometheus rules and service monitoring
These CRDs set up scraping points for Prometheus and alert rules that are supported by MCG.
Horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA)
It is Integrated with the MCG endpoints. The endpoint pods scale up and down according to CPU pressure (amount of S3 traffic).