Searching expiry time

Search the expiration time for the IBM Storage Protect archive data that is going to expire in certain time.

About this task

After the IBM Storage Protect archive record expiration dates are tagged, do the following to search and apply further analytics on the records.

Important: Each policy that is defined must be executed before you perform search.


  1. Log in to the IBM Spectrum® Discover GUI.
  2. Click and go to Search > Query builder > SQL query page.
  3. Choose groupings based on the tag that is created from Group by list.
    For example, ExpirationDate.
  4. Enter the SQL query in the query box.
    For example, State in 'Archive' AND mtime between '2021-01-01' and '2021-12-31'
    Important: The mtime date in the query must be in the format of 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
  5. Set the limit for the number of records returned from the Limit results list.
  6. Click View results.
    The Query Results page displays the grouped results with expiration time, total files filtered, and the total size.
    Note: Where, Total size represents the original size of the files that are stored in the backend. Total size that is returned in the report does not account for space savings from compression and data deduplication. Therefore, can over-state the amount of storage that is going to expire on the IBM Storage Protect server. Currently, the data expiration support within the IBM Spectrum Discover does not consider the amount of space that is saved in the size of the file for container pools that supports compression or data deduplication.
  7. To generate a report, select the checkbox and click Generate report. On the Generate report dialog, Enter the report name in the Name field, and click Submit.
  8. To view the report, go to Search > Reports.
    After you submit the report, the new report gets generated and listed on Reports page in a table with following metadata details:
    • Report name
    • Last run
    • Duration
    • Status
    • Output size
  9. Select a report from the table lists and click Report summary.
    A View Data Report window is displayed with all the details of a report.
    Sample report details as shown
    View Data Report
    Last Run
    Wed Jun 30 2021 19:09:52 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
    0 seconds
    247 Bytes
    Group By
    Sort By
    "(daystoexpire = '180' AND datasource = 'WIN-RUT6M1TE74U' AND filespace = '\\\\win-rut6m1te74u\\c$' AND nodename = 'WIN-RUT6M1TE74U') OR (daystoexpire = '720' AND datasource = 'WIN-RUT6M1TE74U' AND filespace = '\\\\win-rut6m1te74u\\c$' AND nodename = 'WIN-RUT6M1TE74U')"
    See on table