Adding an additional CephFS data pool with replica-2

Use this procedure to add an additional CephFS data pool with replica-2.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are logged into the OpenShift® Container Platform web console and Fusion Data Foundation cluster is in ready state.


  1. Go to Storage > StorageClasses.
  2. Click Create StorageClass.
  3. Select the CephFS Provisioner.
  4. In the Storage Pool tab, click Create new storage pool.
  5. On the Create Storage Pool dialog, do as follows:
    1. Select the required volume type.
    2. Add a pool name.
    3. In the Data protection policy field, select 2-way Replication.
    4. Click Create.
  6. In the Storage Class creation form, choose the newly created storage pool.
  7. Confirm the Storage Class creation.
  8. Do the following steps to verify the details of the newly created storage system:
    1. Go to Storage > Data Foundation.
    2. In the Data Foundation window, go to the Storage Systems tab and select the new storage system.
    3. Check whether the Details tab of the storage system reflects the correct volume and device types.