
In a Ceph cluster there is a redundant set of monitor pods that store critical information about the storage cluster. Monitor pods synchronize periodically to obtain information about the storage cluster. The first monitor pod to get the most updated information becomes the leader, and the other monitor pods will start their synchronization process after asking the leader. A problem in network connection or another kind of problem in one or more monitor pods produces an unusual change of the leader. This situation can negatively affect the storage cluster performance.

Impact: High
Note: Check for any network issues. If there is a network issue, you need to escalate to the Fusion Data Foundation team before you proceed with any of the following troubleshooting steps.


Restore the Ceph MON Quorum. For more information, see Restoring ceph-monitor quorum in Fusion Data Foundation.

If the restoration of the Ceph MON Quorum fails, follow the general pod troubleshooting to resolve the issue.

Use the following steps for general pod troubleshooting:
pod status: pending
  1. Check for resource issues, pending Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs), node assignment, and kubelet problems, using the following commands:
    • oc project openshift-storage
    • oc get pod | grep {ceph-component}
  2. Set MYPOD as the variable for the pod that is identified as the problem pod, specifying the name of the pod that is identified as the problem pod for <pod_name>:
    Examine the output for a {ceph-component} that is in the pending state, not running or not ready
  3. Look for the resource limitations or pending PVCs. Otherwise, check for the node assignment, using the oc get pod/${MYPOD} -o wide command.
pod status: NOT pending, running, but NOT ready
Check the readiness of the probe, using the oc describe pod/${MYPOD} command.
pod status: NOT pending, but NOT running
Check for application or image issues, using the oc logs pod/${MYPOD} command.
Important: If a node was assigned, check the kubelet on the node.


(Optional) Debugging log information
Run the following command to gather the debugging information for the Ceph cluster:
oc adm must-gather --image=registry.redhat.io/ocs4/ocs-must-gather-rhel8:v4.6