volsync-rsync-src pod is in error state as it is unable to resolve the destination hostname


VolSync source pod is unable to resolve the hostname of the VolSync destination pod. The log of the VolSync Pod consistently shows an error message over an extended period of time similar to the following log snippet.
oc logs -n busybox-workloads-3-2 volsync-rsync-src-dd-io-pvc-1-p25rz

Example output

VolSync rsync container version: ACM-0.6.0-ce9a280
Syncing data to volsync-rsync-dst-dd-io-pvc-1.busybox-workloads-3-2.svc.clusterset.local:22 ...
ssh: Could not resolve hostname volsync-rsync-dst-dd-io-pvc-1.busybox-workloads-3-2.svc.clusterset.local: Name or service not known


Restart submariner-lighthouse-agent on both nodes.
oc delete pod -l app=submariner-lighthouse-agent -n submariner-operator