Uninstalling Data Cataloging

Steps to uninstall Data Cataloging by using command line interface.


  1. Run the following command and export IBM Storage Fusion namespace as an environmental variable.
    export FUSION_NS="<Storage Fusion namespace>"
    Important: Replace <Storage Fusion namespace> with your namespace.
  2. Run the following command to prevent catalog source creation.
    oc -n ${FUSION_NS} patch fusionservicedefinition data-cataloging-service-definition --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/onboarding/serviceOperatorSubscription/triggerCatSrcCreate", "value":false}]'
  3. Run the following command to scale down prerequisite operator.
    oc -n ${FUSION_NS} scale --replicas=0 deployment/isf-prereq-operator-controller-manager
  4. Run the following commands to delete all the Data Cataloging workload, networking and storage resources.
    oc project default
    oc delete project ibm-data-cataloging
  5. Run the following command to delete the IBM Storage Fusion Data Cataloging service instance object.
    oc -n ${FUSION_NS} delete fusionserviceinstance data-cataloging-service-instance
  6. Run the following command to delete the SecurityContextConstraints objects.
    Important: The SCC objects are based on their namespace, and the namespace must be included in the name of the SCC object. The default namespace is ibm-data-cataloging, but you must change it if you use a different one.
    oc delete securitycontextconstraints/isd-scc-ibm-data-cataloging
    oc delete securitycontextconstraints/ibm-data-cataloging-c-isd-scc
  7. Run the following command to delete the Data Cataloging ConsoleLink object.
    oc delete consolelink/data-cataloging
  8. Run the following command to delete Data Cataloging CustomResourceDefinitions from the cluster.
    oc delete customresourcedefinition/spectrumdiscovers.spectrum-discover.ibm.com
    oc delete customresourcedefinition/spectrumdiscoverapplications.spectrum-discover.ibm.com
  9. Run the following command to scale up prerequisite operator.
    oc -n ${FUSION_NS} scale --replicas=1 deployment/isf-prereq-operator-controller-manager