Customizing timeouts required for Reclaim Space Operation

Depending on the RBD volume size and its data pattern, Reclaim Space Operation might fail with the context deadline exceeded error. You can avoid this by increasing the timeout value.

About this task

The following example shows the failed status by inspecting -o yaml of the corresponding ReclaimSpaceJob:


  Completion Time:  2023-03-08T18:56:18Z
    Last Transition Time:  2023-03-08T18:56:18Z
    Message:               Failed to make controller request: context deadline exceeded
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                failed
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Failed
  Message:                 Maximum retry limit reached
  Result:                  Failed
  Retries:                 6
  Start Time:              2023-03-08T18:33:55Z

You can also set custom timeouts at global level by creating the following configmap:


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: csi-addons-config
  namespace: openshift-storage
  "reclaim-space-timeout": "6m"

Restart the csi-addons operator pod.

oc delete po -n openshift-storage -l ""

All Reclaim Space Operations started after the above configmap creation use the customized timeout.