Establishing connection between hub and spoke

Generate YAML from the hub cluster to establish mutual authentication between the hub and spoke clusters.


  1. Log in to the user interface of the hub cluster.
  2. Click Backup & Restore > Overview.
  3. Use any of the following methods to generate the YAML.
    Option Description
    Use the Fusion UI
    1. In the step 1: Connect your clusters (optional) section, click Connect clusters.
    2. From the drop-down list, select Use the Fusion UI. The connect your cluster > Use the Fusion UI window appears. The snippet starts to generate.
    3. After the snippet is generated successfully, click Copy snippet.
    Automate deployment
    1. In the step 1: Connect your clusters (optional) section, click Connect clusters.
    2. From the drop-down list, select Automate deployment. The connect your cluster > Automate deployment window appears.
    3. Select the storage class to use on the spoke where you want to run the YAML.
    4. Click Generate. The YAML starts to generate.
    5. In the Deploy using YAML section, click copy icon in Deployment YAML or click Download YAML. Alternatively, in the Or deploy using oc command section, click Copy command.
      Important: If you use a custom namespace, then do not use the Copy command because the encoded command is not editable and is of no value with a custom namespace.
  4. To validate the connection, do the following steps:
    1. Click Backup & Restore > Environment.
      In the Environment page, you can see the hub cluster. In the Cluster table, you can see a list of spokes connected.
    2. In the Environment page > Custer table, check whether there is an entry for the spoke and the Connection status column is Connected for it. The Service status is Normal.