
One of the Object Storage Devices (OSDs) is critically full. Expand the cluster immediately.

Impact: High


Deleting data to free up storage space
You can delete data, and the cluster will resolve the alert through self healing processes.
Important: This is only applicable to IBM Storage Fusion Data Foundation clusters that are near or full but not in read-only mode. Read-only mode prevents any changes that include deleting data, that is, deletion of Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), Persistent Volume (PV) or both.
Expanding the storage capacity (current storage size is less than 1 TB)
You must first assess the ability to expand. For every 1 TB of storage added, the cluster needs to have 3 nodes each with a minimum available 2 vCPUs and 8 GiB memory.

You can increase the storage capacity to 4 TB via the add-on and the cluster will resolve the alert through self healing processes. If the minimum vCPU and memory resource requirements are not met, you need to add 3 additional worker nodes to the cluster.


If your current storage size is equal to 4 TB, contact IBM Support.
(Optional) Debugging log information
Run the following command to gather the debugging information for the Ceph cluster:
oc adm must-gather --image=registry.redhat.io/ocs4/ocs-must-gather-rhel8:v4.6