Configuring passive hub cluster

About this task

To perform hub recovery in case the active hub is down or unreachable, follow the procedure in this section to configure the passive hub cluster and then failover or relocate the disaster recovery protected workloads.


  1. Ensure that RHACM operator and MultiClusterHub is installed on the passive hub cluster. See RHACM installation guide for instructions.

    After the operator is successfully installed, a popover with a message that the Web console update is available appears on the user interface. Click Refresh web console from this popover for the console changes to reflect.

  2. Before hub recovery, configure backup and restore. See Backup and restore topics of RHACM Business continuity guide.
  3. Install the multicluster orchestrator (MCO) operator along with Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator on the passive RHACM hub prior to the restore. For instructions to restore your RHACM hub, see Installing Fusion Data Foundation Multicluster Orchestrator operator.
  4. Ensure that .spec.cleanupBeforeRestore is set to None for the resource. For details, see Restoring passive resources while checking for backups chapter of RHACM documentation.
  5. If SSL access across clusters was configured manually during setup, then re-configure SSL access across clusters. For instructions, see Configuring SSL access across clusters chapter.
  6. On the passive hub, add label to openshift-operators namespace to enable basic monitoring of VolumeSyncronizationDelay alert using this command. For alert details, see Disaster recovery alerts chapter.