Validating IBM Storage Fusion installation

Steps to confirm the success of the installation.

Health status of individual services

In the Services page, check the health status of your installed services. The services must be in running or healthy state.

Verify the IBM Storage Fusion installation

Verify pods from the OpenShift® Container Platform console:
  1. Click View Operator to view the installed operators in the selected namespace. In this example, it is ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns namespace.
  2. Go to Workloads > Pods.
  3. Select the namespace where you installed IBM Storage Fusion.
  4. Check whether the following pods are running successfully:
    • isf-application-operator-controller-manager
    • isf-cns-operator-controller-manager
    • isf-data-protection-operator-controller-manager
    • isf-prereq-operator-controller-manager
    • isf-serviceability-operator-controller-manager
    • isf-ui-operator-controller-manager
    • spp-dp-controller-manager
    • callhomeclient
    • isf-proxy
    • isf-ui-dep
    • logcollector
    • eventmanager
    • trapserver
    • isf-update-operator-controller-manager
Alternatively, you can verify the installation by running the oc commands:
oc get pods -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns
A sample result of the oc command is as follows:
[root@vm-1527 ~]# oc get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
callhomeclient-75cb5d95b9-f6nmk                                   1/1     Running   0          130m
isf-application-operator-controller-manager-7b95c84d6d-fqpbp      2/2     Running   0          137m
isf-cns-operator-controller-manager-6d8754cfd4-lnnlz              2/2     Running   1          137m
isf-data-protection-operator-controller-manager-986bfc476-pzsv6   2/2     Running   1          137m
isf-prereq-operator-controller-manager-597c68796-62cnk            2/2     Running   1          137m
isf-proxy-5bbcbd786b-hhzsj                                        1/1     Running   0          134m
isf-serviceability-operator-controller-manager-54c555676c-7l4pq   2/2     Running   0          137m
isf-ui-dep-8486747fff-xjhkw                                       1/1     Running   0          134m
isf-ui-operator-controller-manager-6b6678dc9c-sqxhk               2/2     Running   1          137m
logcollector-76f696c4bb-lppmg                                     1/1     Running   0          130m
spp-dp-controller-manager-84b9d984d9-wjwnn                        1/1     Running   1          137m
isf-update-operator-controller-manager-97f666b4f-tc47k            1/1     Running   0
Make sure all the pods are up and running.
Verify the IBM Storage Fusion instances as follows:
  1. Click Operators > Install operators. Select the namespace in which IBM Storage Fusion was installed from the Project tab.
  2. Select the IBM Storage Fusion.
  3. Go to All instance tab. It lists the IBM Storage Fusion instances that are created. Ensure that the status shows completed for all instances.

    The following instances get created and can be validation points for IBM Storage Fusion post installation.

    • spectrumfusion CR instance of Kind SpectrumFusion
    • data-cataloging-service-definition CR instance of Kind FusionServiceDefinition
    • data-foundation-service CR instance of Kind FusionServiceDefinition
    • ibm-backup-restore-agent-service CR instance of Kind FusionServiceDefinition
    • ibm-backup-restore-service CR instance of Kind FusionServiceDefinition
    • Cluster object of kind Cluster, the name of the object can be the DNS entry of the cluster.

      For example:

    • CR instance objects of Kind Application with names:
    • CR instance objects of Kind BackupStorageLocation with names:
    • Recipe object with name fusion-cr-backup
To open the IBM Storage Fusion user interface in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click the Applications icon in the title bar and select IBM Storage Fusion.
Note: You can use IBM Storage Fusion user interface only when the installation of IBM Storage Fusion is completed successfully.

Verify the Storage or Global data platform installation

  • Ensure that the Global data platform service is enabled before validation.
  • IBM Storage Fusion 2.8.0 or higher supports IBM Storage Scale 5.2.0.
Verify whether the IBM Storage Scale installed successfully.
Note: Before you validate, ensure that the IBM Storage Scale is used as the storage provider.
Note: The ibm-spectrum-scale namespace does not have any pods until the remote mount is configured from IBM Storage Fusion UI, that is, the remote mount filesystem is created.
  1. Run the following command to validate the IBM Storage Scale installation.
    oc describe scalemanager -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns
  2. Check whether the status at the end of CR reflects as completed.
  3. If the IBM Storage Scale installation is still in progress, the status continues to show Installing. Wait and ensure that the IBM Storage Scale installation completes.
Verify the IBM Storage Scale pods as follows:
  1. Verify the IBM Storage Scale pods from the OpenShift Container Platform console:
    1. Go to Workloads > Pods.
    2. Select ibm-spectrum-scale, ibm-spectrum-scale-csi, and ibm-spectrum-scale-operator namespaces. It lists all the pods and makes sure that all pods are running.
      Note: The ibm-spectrum-scale namespace does not have any pods until the remote mount is configured from IBM Storage Fusion UI.
  2. Verify the IBM Storage Scale deployments and pods from the IBM Storage Fusion CLI.

    After you successfully remote mount the filesystem, run the following commands to validate it.

    1. To list all scale pods, run the following command:
      oc -n ibm-spectrum-scale get pods
      Example output:
      ./oc get pods -n ibm-spectrum-scale
      NAME                               READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
      ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-0           4/4     Running                 0          8m30s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-1           4/4     Running                 0          4m30s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-pmcollector-0   2/2     Running                 0          8m
      ibm-spectrum-scale-pmcollector-1   2/2     Running                 0          6m29s
      worker0                            2/2     Running                 0          8m30s
      worker1                            2/2     Running                 0          8m30s
      worker2                            2/2     Running                 0          8m30s
      The output lists two GUI pods and a daemon pod for each worker node.
    2. Validate pods in ibm-spectrum-scale-dns:
      oc get pods -n ibm-spectrum-scale-dns
      Example output:
      NAME                               READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS     AGE
      coredns-98mqn                       1/1     Running                 0          8m43s
      coredns-9ngqc                       1/1     Running                 0          8m43s
      coredns-h658w                       1/1     Running                 0          8m43s
      coredns-nw8dj                       1/1     Running                 0          8m43s                            2/2     Running                 0          8m30s
      coredns-pqh5f                       1/1     Running                 0          8m43s
      coredns-qzgdk                       1/1     Running                 0          8m43s
    3. To list all the CSI pods, run the following command:
      oc get pods -n ibm-spectrum-scale-csi
      Example output:
      NAME                                                    READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-attacher-5d9684696b-9fvdq        1/1     Running               0       3m33s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-attacher-5d9684696b-mp8qn        1/1     Running               0       3m33s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-f6n17                            3/3     Running               0       3m33s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-j22nt                            3/3     Running               0       3m33s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator-8488bcd9c-vj2bz         1/1     Running               0       102m
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-provisioner-5d5fbdffbb-qbgx9     1/1     Running               0       3m33s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-resizer-7d78944d7b-m74nm         1/1     Running               0       3m33s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-snapshotter-7f6dc898f-m5zdn      1/1     Running               0       3m33s
      ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-sw9gk                            3/3     Running               0       3m33s
    4. To show the IBM Storage Fusion defined scale cluster, run the following command:
      oc -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns get scalecluster -o yaml
    5. To check the scale filesystem CR results, run the following command:
      oc -n ibm-spectrum-scale get filesystem -o yaml
    6. To check the scale remote cluster CR result, run the following command:
      oc -n ibm-spectrum-scale get remotecluster -o yaml
    7. Run the oc command and check whether Daemon.status.clusterID has a value or not.
      oc -n ibm-spectrum-scale get daemon -oyaml

Verify the Backup & Restore installation

Note: Ensure that the Backup & Restore IBM Storage Fusion service is enabled before validation.
Verify that the Backup & Restore IBM Storage Fusion service operators from the OpenShift Container Platform web console:
  1. Go to Operators > Installed operators from OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Select the project as ibm-backup-restore.
  3. Verify that the following operators show the status as succeeded.
    • Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams
    • IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Server
    • IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Agent
    • OADP Operator
  4. Alternatively, you can verify the status of operators by running the following oc command:
    Note: Note that more operators appear in the command line output than in the web console.
    oc get csv -n ibm-backup-restore
    A sample result of the oc command is as follows:
    # oc get csv -n ibm-backup-restore
    NAME                              DISPLAY                                                 VERSION   REPLACES               PHASE
    amqstreams.v2.6.0-2               AMQ Streams                                             2.6.0-2   amqstreams.v2.6.0-1    Succeeded
    guardian-dm-operator.v2.8.0       IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Data Mover        2.8.0                            Succeeded
    guardian-dp-operator.v2.8.0       IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Data Protection   2.8.0                            Succeeded
    guardian-mongo-operator.v2.8.0    IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Mongo             2.8.0                            Succeeded
    ibm-dataprotectionagent.v2.8.0    IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Agent             2.8.0                            Succeeded
    ibm-dataprotectionserver.v2.8.0   IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Server            2.8.0                            Succeeded
    oadp-operator.v1.3.1              OADP Operator                                           1.3.1     oadp-operator.v1.3.0   Succeeded
    redis-operator.v2.8.0             IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Redis             2.8.0                            Succeeded
    Make sure that the status shows Succeeded.
Verify the Backup & Restore pods from the OpenShift Container Platform console:
  1. Go to Workloads > Pods.
  2. Select the namespace, where you installed IBM Storage Fusion Backup & Restore. In this case, select ibm-backup-restore namespace.

    It lists all the pods. Ensure that all pods are running.

  3. Verify whether the following pods are running successfully:
  4. Alternatively, you can verify the installation by running the following oc command:
    oc get pods -n ibm-backup-restore
    A sample result of the oc command is as follows:
    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      R
    amq-streams-cluster-operator-v2.3.0-1-7d6fb79d84-jdkfh            1/1     Running     0
    applicationsvc-55c9b4d6c9-6hdv7                                   1/1     Running     0
    b0f64f9161e0882f278dde2eaa1ea9677f4a230a29180fcf21fc665761hvvxz   0/1     Completed   0
    backup-location-deployment-6b565b856c-j4vjc                       1/1     Running     0
    backup-service-54bf9988f6-47bpv                                   1/1     Running     0
    backuppolicy-deployment-b997cc9bf-dfwnh                           1/1     Running     0
    bc6176f08ef686ccde24395724b77ea07a586a0bd1fa27ebfd5d704d0dxv9pl   0/1     Completed   0
    e349f7c16f02ad6c0c31e41ba2fb1750d5154b58537224d239fe47508872cj5   0/1     Completed   0
    f3dd0cbe8cb98614cf163fc5372733148236ea2bdeb5efc6a5d5afe4c085qlk   0/1     Completed   0
    ff53c6d827e0fd610a4392c4f9411beb0c785572d2fca1bda57e208650bwv2m   0/1     Completed   0
    ffacc5cdaa1e0aa4f3b3c0021f3c87931aa7422f8415303d95457febc8nmzk7   0/1     Completed   0
    guardian-dm-controller-manager-64d57bf9ff-28dqj                   2/2     Running     0
    guardian-dp-operator-controller-manager-6f6d55f6f7-fhndb          2/2     Running     0
    guardian-kafka-cluster-entity-operator-b59d699f7-5qxt8            3/3     Running     0
    guardian-kafka-cluster-kafka-0                                    1/1     Running     0
    guardian-kafka-cluster-kafka-1                                    1/1     Running     0
    guardian-kafka-cluster-kafka-2                                    1/1     Running     0
    guardian-kafka-cluster-zookeeper-0                                1/1     Running     0
    guardian-kafka-cluster-zookeeper-1                                1/1     Running     0
    guardian-kafka-cluster-zookeeper-2                                1/1     Running     0
    guardian-minio-0                                                  1/1     Running     0
    guardian-mongo-operator-controller-manager-6f47776cb4-s6tkm       2/2     Running     0
    ibm-dataprotectionagent-controller-manager-54d66f7975-lgdgh       2/2     Running     0
    ibm-dataprotectionserver-catalog-ibm-backup-restore-k967t         1/1     Running     0
    ibm-dataprotectionserver-controller-manager-749554d89f-q6gmx      2/2     Running     0
    job-manager-859484bfc5-fzpt8                                      1/1     Running     0
    mongodb-0                                                         2/2     Running     1
    mongodb-1                                                         2/2     Running     1
    mongodb-2                                                         2/2     Running     1
    mongodb-ab-0                                                      1/1     Running     0
    openshift-adp-controller-manager-59fb9f86f4-gdbhb                 1/1     Running     0
    redis-master-0                                                    1/1     Running     0
    redis-operator-controller-manager-647cf89ff7-wl8w2                2/2     Running     0
    redis-replicas-0                                                  1/1     Running     0
    redis-replicas-1                                                  1/1     Running     0
    redis-replicas-2                                                  1/1     Running     0
    transaction-manager-5d9b59cf9f-hdzjm                              2/2     Running     0
    velero-777d65c9b7-455fv                                           1/1     Running     0
Verify the Backup & Restore IBM Storage Fusion service installation status from the OpenShift Container Platform web console:
  1. Go to Operators > Installed operators from OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Select the namespace as ibm-backup-restore.
  3. Select IBM Storage Fusion Backup & Restore server.
  4. Click the Data Protection server tab and select Data Protection server.
  5. Select the YAML tab.
  6. In the status section, makes sure the following:
    • HealthStatuses Shows the health status of all components listed. It may take 5 minutes or more for all components to show up as healthy.
    • Make sure the install status shows Complete and progressPercentage as 100.
  7. Alternatively, you can verify the installation status by running the following oc command:
    oc describe dataprotectionserver dataprotectionserver -n ibm-backup-restore
    A sample result of the oc command is as follows:
      Health Statuses:
        Service Name:  applicationservice
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  backuplocation
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  backuppolicy
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  backupservice
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  jobmanager
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  backupagent
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  mongo
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  redis
        Status:        Healthy
        Service Name:  kafka
        Status:        Healthy
      Install Status:
        Progress Percentage:  100
        Retry On Failure:     false
        Status:               Completed
      Installed Version:      2.5.1
      Upgrade In Progress:    false
      Upgrade Status:
        Retry On Failure:  false
  8. Check the status section at the end of the CR and make sure the following:
    • The Install Status section shows the status of the install along with the percentage complete.
    • The install status shows the install status as Completed when the installation is successfully completed.
    • The health status section lists and shows components health status as healthy.
    • Note: Individual component health statuses may show Unknown or Degraded for up to five minutes, and show a healthy status when installation is complete.

Verify the Fusion Data Foundation

Verify the Fusion Data Foundation installation was completed successfully from the OpenShift Container Platform console:
  1. Go to Installed Operators to check whether the Fusion Data Foundation operator is listed and status is Succeeded.
  2. Verify pods from the Red Hat®OpenShift Container Platform web console:
    1. Go to Workloads > Pods.
    2. Select the openshift-storage namespace, where the Fusion Data Foundation is installed.
    3. Check whether the following pods are running successfully:
      • csi-addons-controller-manager
      • noobaa-operator
      • ocs-metrics-exporter
      • ocs-operator
      • odf-console
      • odf-operator-controller-manager
      • rook-ceph-operator
  3. Alternatively, you can verify the installation by running the OC commands:
    oc get pod -n openshift-storage
    A sample result of the OC command is as follows:
    [root@fu40 ~]# oc get pod -n openshift-storage
    NAME                                               READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    csi-addons-controller-manager-bdb965b47-jvfhs      2/2     Running             0          119s
    noobaa-operator-746b6bc54-654lh                    1/1     Running             0          3m3s
    ocs-metrics-exporter-69cfc56fd9-jk49s              1/1     Running             0          2m45s
    ocs-operator-6879c74556-pppj9                      1/1     Running             0          2m46s
    odf-console-849f64fdd7-rqd97                       1/1     Running             0          3m3s
    odf-operator-controller-manager-5bd4c85d6b-q8g2f   2/2     Running             0          3m3s
    rook-ceph-operator-76699f976c-2zpms                1/1     Running             0          2m46s
  4. Ensure that all the pods are up and running.
  5. Verify the Fusion Data Foundation status as follows:
    1. Click Operators > Install operators. Select the namespace in which IBM Storage Fusion was installed from the Project tab.
    2. Select the IBM Storage Fusion.
    3. Go to Fusion Service Instance tab and click odfmanager from the list.
    4. Open YAML tab and ensure that is Healthy.
  6. Alternatively, you can verify the status by running the OC commands:
    oc get -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns odfmanager -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}'
  7. Verify the local storage operator pods when backing storage type is local as follows:
    1. Click Operators > Install operators. Select the namespace in which IBM Storage Fusion was installed from the Project tab.
    2. Select the IBM Storage Fusion.
    3. Go to Fusion Service Instance tab and click odfmanager from the list.
    4. Click YAML tab and check the backingStorageType.
      - name: backingStorageType
        provided: true
        value: Local
    5. Alternatively, you can verify the backing storage type by running the oc commands.
      oc get -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns odfmanager -o jsonpath='{.spec.parameters}{"\n"}'
    6. If the backing storage type is local, then verify the local storage operator.

      Go to Installed Operators to check whether the Local Storage operator is listed and its status is Succeeded.

      Note: The green check mark indicates that the local storage operator is installed.
    7. Verify pods from the Red HatOpenShift Container Platform web console:
      1. Go to Workloads > Pods.
      2. Select the openshift-local-storage namespace, where the local storage operator is installed.
      3. Check whether the following pods are running successfully: local-storage-operator-xxxxx

        For example: local-storage-operator-75c55cf57d-pfjcp

    8. Ensure that all pods are running.
    9. Alternatively, you can verify the installation by running the oc commands:
      oc get pod -n openshift-local-storage
      A sample result of the oc command is as follows:
      [root@fu40 ~]# oc get pod -n openshift-local-storage
      NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      local-storage-operator-75c55cf57d-pfjcp   1/1     Running   0          109s

Verify the Data Cataloging installation

Verify the Data Cataloging installation was completed successfully from the OpenShift Container Platform web console:
  1. Run the following command to verify the installed operators.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get csv
    NAME                                                 DISPLAY                VERSION              REPLACES              PHASE
    amqstreams.v2.6.0-2                                  AMQ Streams            2.6.0-2              amqstreams.v2.6.0-1   Succeeded
    db2u-operator.v110509.0.1                            IBM Db2                110509.0.1                                 Succeeded
    ibm-spectrum-discover-operator.v216.0.0-1715012933   IBM Storage Discover   216.0.0-1715012933                         Succeeded
  2. Run the following command to verify Data Cataloging status.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get isd
    Expected output
    NAME                               READY   SUMMARY                        ERROR   AGE   HEALTHSTATUS
    data-cataloging-service-instance   True    Awaiting next reconciliation           9d    Healthy
  3. Run the following command to verify that all Persistent Volume Claims are bounded.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get pvc
    Expected output
    NAME                        STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                AGE
    activelogs-c-isd-db2u-0     Bound    pvc-7e98eead-9a38-48b6-a880-16d730120796   150Gi      RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    activelogs-c-isd-db2u-1     Bound    pvc-7af71786-1529-4b3c-bbd1-b5d1ee733d33   150Gi      RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    c-isd-meta                  Bound    pvc-1ba20699-ddb8-4600-bf9f-4d637b14da49   50Gi       RWX            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    data-c-isd-db2u-0           Bound    pvc-488540db-c951-4f48-b65c-814bf634ca33   300Gi      RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    data-c-isd-db2u-1           Bound    pvc-56a3105a-347e-4b55-b11a-d0a1d351d622   300Gi      RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    data-isd-sasl-kafka-0       Bound    pvc-3924c9cc-173d-4244-90fa-a234325dc04b   100Gi      RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    data-isd-sasl-zookeeper-0   Bound    pvc-3c66397b-ac03-4ed8-841a-e33d83355a23   64Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    data-isd-ssl-kafka-0        Bound    pvc-ce0ebeaf-d2b6-4e40-8c31-e31d45a208e5   100Gi      RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    data-isd-ssl-zookeeper-0    Bound    pvc-cd3fdd20-343b-49ca-ad1a-690f8eec3e60   64Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    isd-backup                  Bound    pvc-2e077c8e-e992-4e1a-8b98-d24bfdbb5343   250Gi      RWX            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    isd-data                    Bound    pvc-b98e124f-1f98-43e5-9bf6-c8758c681192   250Gi      RWX            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    tempts-c-isd-db2u-0         Bound    pvc-7fdc9ac5-9158-48ac-bad3-3c24590f1f2b   50Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
    tempts-c-isd-db2u-1         Bound    pvc-a2adb668-a362-4f61-8ed3-ae103f9b2cd3   50Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   9d
  4. Run the following command to verify Db2u cluster detailed progress.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get isd -o go-template='{{range .status.components}}{{printf "%s,%s,%s\n" .kind .name .status.state}}{{end}}' | column -s, -t
    Expected output
    account                account-ibm-data-cataloging-isd  OK
    PersistentVolumeClaim  c-isd-meta                       OK
    secret                 c-isd-sshkeys-db2uhausr          OK
    secret                 c-isd-sshkeys-db2uadm            OK
    secret                 c-isd-sshkeys-db2instusr         OK
    secret                 c-isd-ldappassword               OK
    secret                 c-isd-ldapblueadminpassword      OK
    secret                 c-isd-instancepassword           OK
    secret                 c-isd-db2u-lic                   OK
    secret                 c-isd-certs-wv-rest              OK
    secret                 c-isd-certs-db2u-api             OK
    configmap              c-isd-db2uconfig                 OK
    configmap              c-isd-db2regconfig               OK
    configmap              c-isd-db2dbmconfig               OK
    configmap              c-isd-db2dbconfig                OK
    service                c-isd-ldap                       OK
    Deployment             c-isd-ldap                       OK
    service                c-isd-tools                      OK
    Deployment             c-isd-tools                      OK
    configmap              c-isd-db2u-api                   OK
    service                c-isd-db2u-engn-svc              OK
    service                c-isd-db2u-head-engn-svc         OK
    Job                    c-isd-instdb                     OK
    service                c-isd-etcd                       OK
    StatefulSet            c-isd-etcd                       OK
    service                c-isd-db2u-rest-svc              OK
    networkpolicy          c-isd-rest-ext                   OK
    Deployment             c-isd-rest                       OK
    service                c-isd-db2u-graph-svc             OK
    networkpolicy          c-isd-graph-ext                  OK
    Deployment             c-isd-graph                      OK
    service                c-isd-db2u-internal              OK
    service                c-isd-db2u                       OK
    StatefulSet            c-isd-db2u                       OK
    networkpolicy          c-isd                            OK
    networkpolicy          c-isd-ext                        OK
    Job                    c-isd-restore-morph              OK
  5. Run the following command to verify the Db2u cluster CR status.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get db2ucluster
    Expected output
    isd    Ready   None               9d
  6. Run the following command to verify that the ports 50000 and 50001 are listing.
    oc exec -n ibm-data-cataloging -it $(oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get po --no-headers --show-labels=true --selector name=dashmpp-head-0 | awk '{print $1}') -- su - db2inst1 -c 'netstat -ntlp'
    Expected output
    Defaulted container "db2u" out of: db2u, init-labels (init), init-kernel (init)
    (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
     will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
    Active Internet connections (only servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      23707/db2sysc 0
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      23712/db2sysc 1
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
    tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      -
    tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      23707/db2sysc 0
    tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      23707/db2sysc 0
    tcp6       0      0 :::50052                :::*                    LISTEN      -
    tcp6       0      0 :::50022                :::*                    LISTEN      -
  7. Run the following command to verify that workload is PUREDATA_OLAP.
    oc exec -n ibm-data-cataloging -c db2u -it $(oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get po --no-headers --show-labels=true --selector name=dashmpp-head-0 | awk '{print $1}') -- sudo su - db2inst1 -c "db2set -all | grep DB2_WORKLOAD= | awk '{print \$2}'"
    Expected output
  8. Run the following command to verify the database encryption configurations.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging exec -c db2u $(oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get po --no-headers --show-labels=true --selector name=dashmpp-head-0 | awk '{print $1}') -- su - db2inst1 -c "db2 get db cfg for bludb | grep 'Encrypted database'"
     Encrypted database                                      = YES
  9. Run the following command to verify the Kafka CRs readiness.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get kafka
    Expected output
     isd-sasl   1                        1                     True
     isd-ssl    1                        1                     True
  10. Run the following command to verify that the IBM® Spectrum Discover pods are running.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get pod -l component=discover
    Expected output
     NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS     AGE
    isd-api-7564475d98-cs6nx                     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-auth-5fcb8bd95f-jvzwp                    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-backup-restore-689fc64f7-pgx22           1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-connmgr-7d4cdb4cc7-xnkzm                 1/1     Running     1 (9d ago)   9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-4fsgg        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-9k9cs        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-bphqp        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-cc2pz        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-chlvk        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-fchp5        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-jlbrw        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-l78cc        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-lpcsn        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-ceph-le-5f9b5d4676-n2wqt        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-54qm9         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-6hsq9         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-9p4p5         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-dhlgc         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-hr76h         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-mkvx8         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-tvscz         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-vrrd4         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-w59c2         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-le-846f5fd97f-xqncl         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-4klcc       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-8r6w7       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-fqs5m       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-fwb8p       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-h78g5       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-lvwl5       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-nhznb       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-q2l8b       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-z6tfj       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-cos-scan-79fb979585-zv2zw       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-5mrrg      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-8rphj      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-b5dbv      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-b5lv2      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-d9gbm      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-f5rxf      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-m8nw6      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-ntfbb      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-ql55x      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-file-scan-5c7565bf7b-qvggm      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-6s75x    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-845bx    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-8kmnf    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-gntbt    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-mlnfb    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-p9lpt    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-rckm8    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-vkmpd    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-vmh8x    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-protect-scan-67d5ffb65-zm4gf    1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-6dw9h       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-9nhsz       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-dnwpw       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-dz2mf       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-h2ffj       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-hdrxg       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-nf779       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-pf6n4       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-q8gqf       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-le-5d56449994-xzmvh       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-49vkb     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-54pb8     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-5sr89     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-98lm9     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-d4zlj     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-fc82j     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-mnsn2     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-r2kc6     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-tglsz     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-consumer-scale-scan-7bdc7957c6-zbhgv     1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-contentsearchagent-5d7bfbd887-r487x      1/1     Running     1 (9d ago)   9d
    isd-db-schema-xm5cn                          0/1     Completed   0            9d
    isd-db2whrest-6c6bbfcbc6-9v6v2               1/1     Running     1 (9d ago)   9d
    isd-generate-license-6g94v                   0/1     Completed   0            9d
    isd-importtags-64498dbdd8-5kqpb              1/1     Running     1 (9d ago)   9d
    isd-keystone-7dc84b69f5-sw6nn                1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-license-check-27982200-c9gkm             0/1     Completed   0            2d21h
    isd-license-check-27983640-ldxv2             0/1     Completed   0            45h
    isd-license-check-27985080-rhzjl             0/1     Completed   0            21h
    isd-policyengine-598f565867-zg5sn            1/1     Running     1 (9d ago)   9d
    isd-producer-ceph-le-76b9885854-557b7        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-producer-cos-le-85d446c9d8-zvzmg         1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-producer-cos-scan-d584f646d-2t669        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-producer-file-scan-5586b48fd-zkt7q       1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-producer-protect-scan-7b66bb7c64-wz6qq   1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-producer-scale-le-8d7bc64b4-nvqbl        1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-producer-scale-scan-5df647956-qfl6p      1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-proxy-5f4d7dd8ff-44fwt                   1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-reports-c6kmq                            0/1     Completed   0            9d
    isd-scaleafmdatamover-85cc44b566-644vx       1/1     Running     1 (9d ago)   9d
    isd-scaleilmdatamover-6b86dd7b58-j28sn       1/1     Running     1 (9d ago)   9d
    isd-sdmonitor-6fffc999b7-s2srd               1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-tikaserver-79548bdb4-ssft5               1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-ui-backend-f6c4b65d7-dwzrs               1/1     Running     0            9d
    isd-ui-frontend-9659fc847-vcbmv              1/1     Running     0            9d
  11. Run the following command to verify the console route availability.
    oc -n ibm-data-cataloging get route console
    Expected output
    NAME      HOST/PORT                                       PATH   SERVICES   PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD
    console   console-ibm-data-cataloging.apps.ocp2.vmlocal          isd-svc    <all>   reencrypt     None

Verify the IBM Storage Fusion CR

IBM Storage Fusion installation status can also be checked through IBM Storage Fusion CR.
  1. Important: The IBM Storage Fusion namespace ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns is used in the following steps for your reference. If IBM Storage Fusion is installed in a different namespace, replace the namespace with your namespace.
    Run the following command and export IBM Storage Fusion namespace as environmental variable.
    export FUSION_NS="ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns"
  2. Run the command to validate the IBM Storage Fusion installation status.
    oc describe SpectrumFusion/spectrumfusion -n $FUSION_NS

    Where the SpectrumFusion is the kind of the CR and spectrumfusion is name of the CR.

  3. Navigate to OpenShift Container Platform console, go to Operators > Installed operators.
  4. Select the IBM Storage Fusion namespace from the Project drop down and select the Storage Fusion tab.

    It shows the CR kind and name of the CR.

  5. This CR show status and version of all IBM Storage Fusion services as well as the IBM Storage Fusion Install status.
       Global Data Platform: 
          Enable: true
          Accept: true
        Global Data Platform Status: 
           Service Enabled:              true
           Health:                       Healthy
           Install Status:               Completed
           Install Status Message:       IBM Spectrum Scale storage installation is succeeded.
           Install Status Message Code:  BMYSS0003
           Is CRC Rendered:              false
           Is Deployable:                true
           Is Machine config Rendered:   false
           Is supported:                 true
           Is Upgrade Failed:            false
           Is Upgrade In Progress:       false
           Max Available Version:        5.2.0
           Progress Percentage:          100
           Upgrade Available:            false
           Version:                      5.2.0
      Events: <none>