Collecting logs in IBM Storage Fusion

You can collect logs related to storage or backup components to help with system issue diagnosis.


  1. From the title bar, click the help icon and select Support logs.
  2. In the Support logs page, click Collect logs.
    The Collect logs slide out pane gets displayed.
  3. In the Collect logs slide out pane, select the logs of the following components. The components that are selected to be included in the log package.
    • If a service is not enabled, the user interface does not display the service component in log collection.
    Global Data Platform
    Logs related to storage availability.
    Data Foundation:
    Logs related to K8 resources of openshift-storage.

    If the Data Foundation service is configured to local mode then it includes the openshift-local-storage namespace. On HCP cluster, it includes the openshift-storage-client namespace.

    Backup and restore
    This option collects logs related to the Backup & restore service. These logs are used to troubleshoot issues that are related to setup, backup and restore. These logs contain mainly the ibm-backup-restore namespace resources.
    Note: For Hub and Spoke operations, collect logs on both the Hub and Spoke clusters.
    Data Cataloging

    This option collects the logs related to the Data Cataloging service. These logs are used to troubleshoot issues that are related to Data Cataloging. These logs contain mainly the ibm-data-cataloging namespace resources.

  4. Click Collect.
    The created log set gets added to the log list with status as Collecting. After the collection is complete, the status changes to Success.
    The Support logs page lists all created logs with the following details:
    The name of the collection set.
    Note: The name of the log collection set consists of two parts: component name and time stamp. If you collect log collection sets for the storage, for example, the file name must be sc-20220324124442. The name of the log collection set change for every component.
    • Storage: sc
    • Data foundation: odf
    It contains details of which component logs comprise the collection.
    The values of the status field are Collecting, Success, and Partial.
    The date and time of the creation of the log set.
    The expiry date and time of the log set.
    Note: The collected logs are auto-deleted after 24 hours.
  5. After a log package is successfully added to the log list, you can choose to upload the logs to IBM directly by using the Call Home feature or download from the browser and review the logs. If you have not enabled Call Home, then Upload log package to IBM via Call Home option is disabled.
    Note: The Partial status indicates that the log collection completed with errors. You can upload and download Partial logs.
    For steps to enable call home, see Enabling Call Home.
    1. Click the ellipsis menu of the log record and click Upload log package to IBM via Call Home.
      The Upload log package window gets displayed. The collected logs get uploaded so that the IBM Support team can use for diagnosis.
    2. In the Upload log package window, choose whether you want to create a new support case or attach to an existing case.
    3. If it is an existing case, then enter the Ticket number.
      Note: A log collection package can be uploaded only once to any ticket through this user interface page.
    4. Click Upload log.
    Download collected log package
    Click the ellipsis menu of the log record and click Download. The Downloading log package window gets displayed indicating that the download is in progress.
    Delete a log package
    1. Click the ellipsis menu of the log record and click Delete.
    2. In the Confirm delete log package window, click Delete.
    If you have not enabled Call Home, then download the log package and upload it to an IBM site. In the table of log packages, click the ellipsis menu for the log package that you wish to upload and select the Download action. It triggers the download of the log package file in your web browser. The user interface provides three methods of uploading logs to IBM.
    FTP transfer
    This option is the fastest approach to upload logs to IBM. It uses FTP to upload logs to the IBM Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECUREP) site.
    Browser upload
    The browser upload option allows you to upload the log package via your web browser. This option is limited to files that are smaller than 200 MiB.
    Blue Diamond
    HIPPA customers designated as Blue Diamond need to upload logs to the IBM Blue Diamond site.