IBM Storage Archive data source connections

You can define tags and policies in IBM Spectrum® Discover based on values that are derived from IBM Storage Archive metadata to help in searching and categorizing files.

IBM Spectrum Discover integrates with IBM Storage Archive to display search results that include the following archive state of files:

Migration status migstatus
Search results display details for the following migration status:
Indicates that the file is migrated to tape.
Indicates that the file is resident in the file system.
Indicates that the file is pre-migrated to tape.
Migration "location" migloc
Search results display information on the tape cartridge in the following format: 1 tape cartridge volser@tape storage pool id@tape library serial number. Any additional copies must be separated by colons.
Actual size of file in the associated IBM Storage Scale file system Size Consumed Bytes
IBM Spectrum Discover displays a zero if the file is moved to tape.
Remember: The migration state information is collected and summarized in the IBM Spectrum Discover State facet. You can access this facet by using IBM Spectrum Discover visual search. For more information, see Searching.For more information, see the topic Searching in the Data Cataloging: Administration Guide.

The IBM Spectrum Discover interface displays the search results including the metadata information.

Important: The location information that is displayed in IBM Spectrum Discover is provided by IBM Storage Scale. It corresponds to the dmapi.IBMTPS attribute for the file. Run the mmlsattr -L command for more details.