Administrators can use this troubleshooting information to understand how to troubleshoot and fix their IBM Storage Fusion Data Foundation cluster.
Most troubleshooting tasks focus on either a fix or a workaround. This chapter is divided into sections based on the errors that an administrator may encounter:
- See Downloading log files and diagnostic information using must-gather to understand how to use the must-gather utility in Fusion Data Foundation.
- See Commonly required logs for troubleshooting to understand how to obtain commonly required log files for Fusion Data Foundation.
- See Troubleshooting alerts and errors in Fusion Data Foundation to identify various errors and required actions.
Warning: IBM does not support the use of
Ceph toolbox in Fusion Data Foundation clusters as it can cause
data loss. If you use Ceph toolbox, IBM Support is only able
to provide best-effort support and may not be able to restore all the data in case of any data