/db2whrest/v1/sql_query?<sql>: GET

Retrieves data from a database with an SQL query in a GET command. You can use any standard SQL query. You must include the SQL query as a parameter of the URL.

To send the query in an HTTP message body, see /db2whrest/v1/sql_query: POST.

The following table shows which roles can access this REST API endpoint:
Table 1. Access by role
Data admin Data user Collection Admin Admin Service user
1 1 Χ Χ
1The search is restricted to documents that are tagged with collections to which the user has a datauser role assigned.

Synopsis of the request URL

curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/sql_query?<sql_statements> -X GET

Supported request types and response formats

Supported request types:
  • GET
Supported response formats:
  • CSV
  • JSON


  1. The following example shows how to get data from a database with an SQL query in a GET command. The SQL query is included as a parameter of the URL. This example specifies that the data must be returned in JSON format:
    1. Submit the request:
      curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/sql_query?select%20*%20from%20meteor%20limit%202 -X GET -H "Accept: application/json"
    2. The following response is returned:
      "","platform":"Spectrum Scale","cluster":"ctolib.cluster1","inode":4042,"owner":"user1",
      "","platform":"Spectrum Scale","cluster":"ctolib.cluster1","inode":285102,"owner":"user1",
      "group": "group1","permissions":"-rw-r--r--","fileset":"brother","uid":null,"gid":null,
      "ctolib.cluster1ctolib28510 2","collection":null,"temperature":null,"duplicate":null,
  2. The following example makes the same query as the preceding example but does not specify an output format:
    1. Submit the request:
      curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/sql_query?select%20*%20from%20meteor%20limit%202 -X GET"
    2. The following response is returned. The data is in CSV format:
      0,ctolib,INDEX,SCAN,MO1,,Spectrum Scale,ctolib.cluster1,250692,user1,group1,-rw-r--r--,
      brother,,,/ctolib/brother/dir1/,file1.txt,txt,,resdnt,NA,2015-08-20 11:26:29.000000,
      2016-06-2323:26:00.113925,2016-03-10 19:33:36.639688,2018-10-24 04:19:50.000000,
      2018-10-2404:19:50.000000,2018-10-24 04:19:50.000000,1,system,266314,0,
      1,ctolib,INDEX,SCAN,MO1,,Spectrum Scale,ctolib.cluster1,250662,user1,group1,-rw-r--r--,
      brother,,,/ctolib/brother/dir1,file2..txt,txt,,resdnt,NA,2015-08-20 11:26:25.000000
      ,2016-06-23 23:25:59.990565,2016-03-10 19:33:36.070314,2018-10-24 04:19:50.000000,
      2018-10-24 04:19:50.000000,2018-10-24 04:19:50.000000,1,system,305365,0,