Configuring Scale daemon network IP parameters

This is an optional configuration and is only needed when the default scale daemon IPs conflicts with some of your workloads. An additional IPVLAN Container Network Interface (CNI) network named as daemon-network is created for scale core pods. By default, IP addresses are assigned for Scale daemon network. You can override the default IP addresses before you begin the Final installation of IBM Fusion HCI System. If the default IPs are being overridden ensure that they are configured in a private subnet.

About this task

Scale core pods have two networks, namely admin and daemon network. Admin network is the default pod network and pod service domain, whereas the daemon network is used for communication between the Scale core pods.

Compute nodes parts of the Scale cluster are annotated to provide the daemon network name, IPv4 address, gateway, and optionally the machine address.

By default, for Scale daemon network, the private IPv4 addresses is in the range of to The default gateway for this network is This default allocated IP range can be overridden if necessary.

Configuring from OpenShift Container Platform console

Modify the daemonNetworkIp range from OpenShift® Container Platform console.


  1. After Initial installation, log in to OpenShift Container Platform.
  2. Open the CRD.
  3. Go to Instances tab.
  4. Click storagemanager link.
  5. In the storagemanager page, go to YAML tab.
  6. Change the IP address of the following fields:
    • daemonNetworkIp is an IP range and the format is <starting ip>-<ending ip>.
    • Sufficient IP addresses must be provided in daemonNetworkIp as the IP addresses cannot be increased after IBM Storage Scale ECE installation.
    • Both the starting and ending IPs are part of the range and are used.

Configuring by using OC commands

Alternatively, if you want to change the IP addresses by using OC commands, then do the following steps.


  1. From the provisioner node, run the following OC command:
    oc project ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns
  2. Run the following command to edit the Storagemanager file:
    oc edit scales storagemanager
  3. Update the IP addresses of the following fields.
    • daemonNetworkIp is an IP range and the format is <starting ip>-<ending ip>.
    • Sufficient IP addresses must be provided in daemonNetworkIp as the IP addresses cannot be increased after IBM Storage Scale ECE installation.
    • Both the starting and ending IPs are part of the range and are used.