IBM Software Hub backup and restore issues

This section lists the troubleshooting tips and tricks during backup and restore of IBM Software Hub.

Original namespace as destination for IBM Software Hub application

Problem statement
OpenShift® restore from IBM Storage Protect Plus does not force you to select the original namespace as destination for IBM Software Hub application.
From IBM Storage Protect Plus user interface, IBM Software Hub restore fails whenever you do not select the original namespace as the target destination to restore to.
Whenever you restore IBM Software Hub from IBM Storage Protect Plus user interface, ensure that you select the original namespace as the restore destination.

These steps are applicable while you backup and test restore of IBM Software Hub applications. For more information about the procedure, see

Tethered namespace issues

Problem statement
For IBM Software Hub Application type, you can tether secondary or other namespaces to the primary IBM Software Hub platform namespace. However, after a successful restore, the IBM Fusion application associated with the IBM Software Hub namespace does not restore the tethered namespace.
  1. Uninstall cpdbr-oadp and reinstall it.
  2. After you add the tethered namespaces, restart the isf-application-controller-manager -xxxx pod that is within the ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns to force a reconcile..
  3. In about five minutes, run the following command to verify whether the fapp is updated to include the tethered namespace in spec.includedNamespaces
    oc get fapp -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns cpd-instance -o yaml

IBM Software Hub backup of zen namespace fails partially in IBM Storage Protect Plus user interface

Problem statement
For an on-demand backup of a single application from a policy that has multiple applications assigned, a snapshot backup is taken only for that selected application but the copy backup is initiated for all of the applications assigned to the policy. This behavior causes the copy backup of the applications without a snapshot backup to fail. This issue does not impact the application selected for the ad-hoc backup.