Mirroring Red Hat operator images to enterprise registry

Mirror the Red Hat operator images to your enterprise registry.

Before you begin


  1. Log in to quay.io and run the following command to login to the Docker registry with your Red Hat enterprise credentials:
    podman login registry.redhat.io -u <Red Hat enterprise registry username> -p <Red Hat enterprise registry password>
    Set the following environment variables:
    export LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY="<Your enterprise registry host>:<port>"
    export LOCAL_ISF_REPOSITORY="<Your image path>"
    export OCP_VERSION="<your selected OCP version>
    echo "$TARGET_PATH"
    • If you face any issues during mirroring Red Hat operator 4.15 images, then use either Ubuntu 22 or higher or RHEL 9 or higher server versions to mirror. For more information, see the Red Hat issue https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7062641.
    • The Red Hat OpenShift® Container Platform version variable value must be same as the version you used during the OpenShift mirroring. For example, if you mirror Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.2 images, then set the OCP_VERSION value as 4.15.
    • Port is a non-mandatory value when you set the LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY variable. You can ignore this if your enterprise registry is accessible and has a secure connection.
    Sample value for without port:
    export LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY="registryhost.com"
    See the following sample values:
    export LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY="registryhost.com:443"
    export LOCAL_ISF_REPOSITORY="fusion-mirror"

    LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY is your entitlement registry.

    LOCAL_ISF_REPOSITORY is the image path in which you want to mirror the images. You can choose your own repository paths. For example, hci-2.9.0/isf or hci-2.9.0 or hci- 2.8.1/isf or hci- 2.8.1.

  2. Run the command to login to the Docker registry with your enterprise registry credentials.
    podman login $LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY -u <your enterprise registry username> -p <your enterprise registry password>
  3. Create an image set configuration file for Red Hat packages that are required for IBM Fusion installation.
    For example:
    cat << EOF > imageset-config-redhatoperator.yaml
    kind: ImageSetConfiguration
    apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2
        - catalog: registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v$OCP_VERSION
            - name: "kubernetes-nmstate-operator"
            - name: "redhat-oadp-operator"
            - name: "amq-streams"
            - name: "kubevirt-hyperconverged"
          full: true
    • The redhat-oadp-operator and amq-streams packages are required to install the Red Hat OADP operator and AMQ Streams operator. It is a prerequisite to deploy the IBM Backup & Restore service. If you plan to use the IBM Backup & Restore service, retain it in the commands, or else you can skip it.
    • The amq-streams package is required to install the Data Cataloging service. If you plan to use the IBM Data Cataloging service, retain it in the commands, or else you can skip it.
    • The kubevirt-hyperconverged is required to install the OpenShift virtualization operator. It is a prerequisite to deploy IBM Cloud® Satellite. If you plan to use isf-ics, retain it in the commands, or else you can skip it.
  4. Run the following oc command to mirror the images from the specified image set configuration to a specified registry.
    oc mirror --config imageset-config-redhatoperator.yaml docker://$TARGET_PATH --dest-skip-tls --ignore-history 

    This can take 5-10 minutes to complete.

    Example output:
    Rendering catalog image "<TARGET_PATH>/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.15" with file-based catalog
    Writing image mapping to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1693810862/mapping.txt
    Writing CatalogSource manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1693810862
    Writing ICSP manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1693810862
  5. After you mirror the content to your registry, go to the generated oc-mirror-workspace/ directory. Go to the results-1xxxx directory, and verify that the YAML files are present for the ImageContentSourcePolicy and CatalogSource resources.
  6. Apply the generated ImageContentSourcePolicy to the cluster.
    cd ./oc-mirror-workspace/results-<generated_id>
    oc apply -f imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml

    You can run this step only once when the cluster is up for a freshly installed rack.

  7. Apply the generated CatalogSource to the cluster.
    oc apply -f catalogSource-cs-redhat-operator-index.yaml