Mirroring Backup & Restore images

Mirror the Backup & Restore images to your enterprise registry.

About this task

High level steps to mirror Backup & Restore service:
  1. Log in to the relevant Docker registries
  2. Define variables to configure and mirror the Backup & Restore component of IBM Fusion HCI System.
  3. Run the ibm-pak configuration tool to automatically generate the files needed by the oc-mirror CLI tool.
  4. Run the oc-mirror CLI tool to mirror the Backup & Restore components.


  1. Log in to your Docker registry:
    1. Run the following command to login to the Docker registry with your Red Hat enterprise credentials:
      docker login registry.redhat.io -u <Red Hat enterprise registry username> -p <Red Hat enterprise registry password>
    2. To authenticate to quay.io by using the username and password from the pull-secret, do the following steps:
      1. Download the pull-secret, see https://console.redhat.com/openshift/install/pull-secret and follow the instructions.
        See the following sample values:
          "auths": {
            "quay.io": {
              "email": <email-id>
      2. Get the username/password:
        echo <auth-content> | base64 –decode 
        Example echo command:
        echo "b3BlbnNoaWZ0LXJTczOGY2YzNjNDM2ZWI0JRSDdUQU45RFBWVUNXM0VZQUlVVDBOQTU3VFM2RE1JMg==" | base64 –decode
        Example output:
        Here, openshift-release+ocmaccess0ab5738f6c3c42 is the user name and CXKR2TSBQH7TAN9 is the password.
    3. Log in to the IBM Entitled Container Registry using the IBM entitlement key.
      docker login cp.icr.io -u cp -p <your entitlement key>
      Note: Ensure that your entitlement key for IBM Fusion HCI System contains the correct entitlement.
    4. Set the following environment variables:
      export LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY="<Your enterprise registry host>:<port>" 
      export LOCAL_ISF_REPOSITORY="<Your image path>" 
      echo "$TARGET_PATH" 
      export CASE_NAME=ibm-fusion-bnr
      export CASE_VERSION=2.9.0 
      Note: Port is a non-mandatory value when setting the LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY variable. You can ignore this if your enterprise registry is accessible and has a secure connection.
      Sample value without port:
      export LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY="registryhost.com"
      export LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY="registryhost.com:443"
      export LOCAL_ISF_REPOSITORY="fusion-mirror"
    5. Run the command to login to the Docker registry with your enterprise registry credentials.
      docker login $LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY -u <your enterprise registry username> -p <your enterprise registry password>

      LOCAL_ISF_REGISTRY is your entitlement registry.

      LOCAL_ISF_REPOSITORY is the image path in which you want to mirror the images. You can choose your own repository paths. For example, hci-2.9.0/isf or hci-2.9.0.

  2. Configure the ibm-pak plugin to use the oc-mirror command:
    oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools -e oc-mirror
  3. From the mirroring host, run the get command to download the mirroring metadata from IBM’s public CloudPak repository:
    oc ibm-pak get --version "${CASE_VERSION}" "${CASE_NAME}"
  4. Run the ibm-pak generate command to generate the oc mirror configuration files specific to your environment:
    oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests --version "${CASE_VERSION}" "${CASE_NAME}" "${TARGET_PATH}"
    An example output of a successfully completed generate command:
    - To mirror the non curated catalog:
      oc mirror --config /root/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/${CASE_NAME}/${CASE_VERSION}/image-set-config.yaml docker://${TARGET_PATH}
  5. Run the oc mirror command for the “non curated catalog” provided in the output of the generate command.
    oc mirror --config /root/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/${CASE_NAME}/${CASE_VERSION}/image-set-config.yaml docker://${TARGET_PATH}
  6. Go to the directory that contains the image-set-config.yaml file that is referenced in the oc-mirror command:
    cd /root/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/${CASE_NAME}/${CASE_VERSION}/

    This directory contains several files that were automatically generated by the ibm-pak tool.

  7. Apply the ImageDigestMirrorSet file to your cluster:
    oc apply -f image-digest-mirror-set.yaml
    There is no need to apply the generated catalog-source.yaml file in this directory as Fusion applies the CatalogSource for Backup & Restore.