Enabling the retention analytics feature

Enable the retention analytics feature in IBM Spectrum® Discover.

About this task

To enable the retention analytics for IBM Storage Protect archive data feature in IBM Spectrum Discover, you must first set an environment variable in IBM Spectrum Discover.

Following are the list of environment variable that you can set in the IBM Spectrum Discover. The expiration data is not scanned if the expiration variables are not set.

When the variable is set to 'True', the IBM Storage Protect scan feature scans the archive data only and includes the expiration data that is needed for the expiration date analysis. When the variable is set to 'False' or not set at all, the IBM Storage Protect performs the default action of scanning all the backup and archive records without including the expiration data that is needed for the expiration date analysis.
Important: When the variable value is set, the IBM Spectrum Discover server performs IBM Spectrum Discover scans on the archive data only that includes the expiration data. This action takes precedence over any other environment variables that are defined for the retention analytics feature.
When the variable is set to 'True', IBM Storage Protect scans the archive data and checks that expiration data is also scanned. When the variable is set to 'False' or not set at all, the expiration data is not included, unless the value of PROTECT_ARCHIVE_WITH_EXPIRE_ONLY is set to true.
When the variable value is set to 'True', IBM Storage Protect scan feature does not scan the archive data unless the value of PROTECT_ARCHIVE_WITH_EXPIRE_ONLY is set to true. When set to 'False' or not set at all, IBM Storage Protect scan feature scans the archive data.
When the variable is set to 'True', IBM Storage Protect scan feature does not scan the backup data. When set to 'False' or not set at all, IBM Storage Protect scan feature scans the backup data unless the value of PROTECT_ARCHIVE_WITH_EXPIRE_ONLY is set to true.
Important: The PROTECT_ARCHIVE_EXPIRATION value must be set to "True", if a complete scan of the IBM Storage Protect connection with the archive retention feature is to be completed.

Perform the following steps for enabling retention analytics feature in the IBM Spectrum Discover environment:


  1. Issue the following command to log in to the IBM Spectrum Discover by using ssh:
    ssh <adminuser>@spectrumdiscover.host
    Note: The <adminuser> is a IBM Spectrum Discover server user who is assigned with an administrator role and the spectrumdiscover.host is either the FDQN or IP of the IBM Spectrum Discover server.
  2. Issue the following command to edit the configmap:
    oc edit configmap connmgr
    After you run the preceding command, the output looks similar to the following as shown here. You can modify the following file and add or update the variables and its value in the data section.
    # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
    # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
    # reopened with the relevant failures.
    apiVersion: v1
      CONNMGR_ENDPOINT: /connmgr/v1/
    kind: ConfigMap
      creationTimestamp: "2022-08-26T19:55:39Z"
      name: connmgr
      namespace: spectrum-discover
      - apiVersion: spectrum-discover.ibm.com/v1alpha1
        kind: SpectrumDiscover
        name: spectrumdiscover
        uid: 001fb331-c2ef-4b28-8827-5c7d6a702904
      resourceVersion: "13761646"
      uid: bf621847-4c00-44c9-a7f2-4d3430ede67b
  3. Save the preceding updated file and issue the following command to verify that the data is updated.
    oc get configmap connmgr -o yaml
  4. Issue the following commands to verify that the update is made in the connection manager pod, the deployment must be scaled to 0 and then rescaled to 1:
    oc scale -n spectrum-discover deployment/spectrum-discover-connmgr --replicas 0

    Deployment is rescaled to 1.

    oc scale -n spectrum-discover deployment/spectrum-discover-connmgr --replicas 1