Active file management (AFM) fileset creation
Create an Active file management (AFM) fileset according to this procedure.
- Create Active file management (AFM) fileset with IBM Storage Scale server and NFS or with any other NFS server
- Prerequisite
- An NFS export is available from the home cluster with
. The NFS export must have read/write permissions. See the following snippet:/test *(rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,sync,no_root_squash,fsid=101)
- To retrieve the route, run the following
command:oc get route -n ibm-spectrum-scale
Example output:NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION WILDCARD ibm-spectrum-scale-gui ibm-spectrum-scale-gui <all> reencrypt None
- To retrieve the authorization token, run the following curl command:
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -u '<userName>:<password>' -d '{"type":"USER", "clusterName":"<clusterName>", "requestingUser":"<userName>", "accessToken":"access-token-1","authData": { "userName":"<userName>", "roles": {"<userName>": "PENDING"},"status": "PENDING" } }' https://<Scale Route URL>/scalemgmt/v2/access -k
Where, <"userName">:<"password"> or<"userName"> are the username and password that is retrieved from the Retrieving credentials topic.
"clusterName" is the OpenShift® cluster name.
Example command:
Example output:curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -u 'admin:passw0rd' -d '{"type": "USER","clusterName": "fus0.sdi.dmz","requestingUser": "admin","accessToken": "access-token-1","authData": { "userName": "admin", "roles": {"admin": "PENDING"},"status": "PENDING" } }' https://ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-ibm-spectrum-scale.apps.fus0.sdi.dmz/scalemgmt/v2/access -k
{ "clusterName" : "ibm-spectrum-scale.fus0.sdi.dmz", "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "The request finished successfully." }, "token" : "0ccfb637-d46c-dead-beef-f8438c2842d5" }
- Retrieve the filesystem name (filesystem_name) that is mounted on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Example
Example output:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' https://<spectrum_scale_gui_route>/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems
{ "filesystems" : [ { "name" : "ibmspectrum-fs" } ], "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "The request finished successfully." }
For more information about the REST API, see Filesystems: GET.
- An NFS export is available from the home cluster with
- Procedure
Run the REST API to create the Active file management (AFM) fileset in IBM Fusion as follows:
An example is as follows:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X POST --header 'content-type:application/json' --header 'accept:application/json' -d '{ "filesetName": "<afm_fileset_name>", "path": "/mnt/<filesystem_name>/<afm_fileset_name>", "afmTarget": "nfs://<nfs_home_ip>/<export_path_on_home>", "afmMode": "independent-writer" }' https://<spectrum_scale_gui_route>/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/<filesystem_name>/filesets
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X POST --header 'content-type:application/json' --header 'accept:application/json' -d '{ > "filesetName": "afmfsetnfs", > "path": "/mnt/ibmspectrum-fs/afmfsetnfs", > "afmTarget": "nfs://", > "afmMode": "independent-writer" > }'
- Create AFM fileset with Object store as home
- Prerequisite
- A bucket is available on an S3 compliant object store.
- Access key and secret key are available to access the bucket.
- Configure the AFM to Cloud Object Storage by using the keys that are created or generated on the
Cloud Object Storage.
For more information, see Configuring AFM to cloud object storage.
- Procedure
- Run the REST API to create Active file management (AFM) fileset
in IBM Fusion as follows:
An example is as follows:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X POST --header 'content-type:application/json' --header 'accept:application/json' -d '{ "filesetName": "<afm_fileset_name", "endpoint": "<s3_endpoint>", "useObjectFs": true, "bucket": "<bucket_name>", "mode": "<iw/ro>", "accessKey": "<access_key>", "secretKey": "<secret_key>" }' 'https://<spectrum_scale_gui_route>/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/<filesystem_name>/filesets/cos'
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X POST --header 'content-type:application/json' --header 'accept:application/json' -d '{ "filesetName": "cosfset1", "endpoint": "", "useObjectFs": true, "bucket": "mybucket", "mode": "iw", "accessKey": "xxxxxxxx", "secretKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" }' ''
- Make note of the job ID. See the following sample text:
{ "jobs" : [ { "jobId" : 5000000000543, "status" : "RUNNING", "submitted" : "2021-11-08 05:57:02,375", "completed" : "N/A", "runtime" : 2, "request" : { "data" : { "afmMode" : "read-only", "afmTarget" : "nfs://<ip_address>/gpfs/fs1/tgt1", "filesetName" : "roCacheFileset", "path" : "/mnt/rackhscale/roCacheFileset" }, "type" : "POST", "url" : "/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/rackhscale/filesets" }, "result" : { }, "pids" : [ ] } ], "status" : { "code" : 202, "message" : "The request was accepted for processing." } }
- Run the REST API to create Active file management (AFM) fileset
in IBM Fusion as follows:
- Verification of Active file management (AFM) fileset creation configuration
- Procedure
- Check that the fileset creation job is successful as
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' https://<spectrum_scale_gui_route>/scalemgmt/v2/jobs/<job_id>
- Verify that Active file management (AFM) cache fileset is created
and cache is active as follows:
An example is as follows:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' https://<spectrum_scale_gui_route>/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/<filesystem_name>/afm/state
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' { "filesetAfmStateList" : [ { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afmfsetnfs", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afmpall", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afms", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" } ], "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "The request finished successfully." } }
- Check that the fileset creation job is successful as
Note: For the container logs, go to /var/log/cnlog/mgtsrv. To view the last few
lines of the container log file, run the following tail command:
tail -f mgtsrv-trace-log in ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-0 pod
If you face errors,
then it can be in the container log file of any of the two GUI pods. Check the log of
as well.