Configuring Watson Knowledge Catalog manually

Procedure to configure Watson Knowledge Catalog (WKC) connector app manually.

Before you begin

Before you perform any changes to the Watson Knowledge Catalog (WKC) connector application configuration, ensure that no WKC export policies are in running state. If you do any changes in the WKC connector application configuration, while policies are running it can cause the WKC connector application to fail to start and resulting in a CrashLoopBackoff state. If you face this issue, stop any WKC export policies that are running and the WKC connector application starts normally.


  1. Log in to the IBM Spectrum® Discover instance and issue the following command to configure the WKC connector app:
    oc -n spectrum-discover edit deploy/spectrum-discover-wkcconnector
  2. For IBM® Watson Knowledge Catalog cloud deployment, define the following parameters:
    • name:WKC_API_KEY
    • value:<API-KEY-VALUE>

    For cloud deployment, ensure that WKC_USER and WKC_PASSWORD value remain undefined in the environment. To delete WKC connector secret, issue the following command:

    oc delete secret wkcconnector --ignore-not-found
    You can set WKC_BASE_URI value for WKC cloud, depending on the on-premises geographical location. The parameter value is the default when WKC_BASE_URI is not defined.
    name: WKC_BASE_URI
  3. For IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog on deployment, add the parameter details in the following sample format:
    value:https:// <wkc_hostname>/icp4d-api/v1/authorize 
    1. To define the WKC connector secret manually, issue the following command:
      oc create secret generic wkcconnector --from-literal="user=$WKC_USER" --from-literal="password=$WKC_PASSWORD"
  4. Configure any linked data sources if needed by setting the value of the WKC_CONNECTION_MAP field.
    • If you switch to a different IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog , you can edit the relevant WKC environment variables in the deployment editor to add the values that are associated with the new account. The application automatically restarts and recognizes the new account that is linked.
    • If you add new catalogs to the WKC instance, IBM Spectrum Discover retains the old registration information and continues to point to the old catalog IDs. To resolve this issue, follow the procedure:
      1. Go to metadata > Applications.
      2. To restart the WKC application instance, issue the following commands:
        oc scale deployment --replicas=0 spectrum-discover-wkcconnector
        oc scale deployment --replicas=1 spectrum-discover-wkcconnector