Configuration error

Message: Encountered a configuration error. Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform installation did not start successfully.


  1. As a kni user on a provisioner node (also known as RU7 or compute-1-ru7), review the log file /home/kni/logs/install_<timestamp>.log.

  2. Scroll to end of file and check whether it reports any failure. Following is an example of a successful run, however, if you find value for failed not equal to 0, then check the log for a step that failed.

    PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
    localhost                  : ok=68   changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=45   rescued=0    ignored=0

Next actions

  1. Take appropriate action to resolve the reported problem in the log.

  2. In the installation user interface, click Retry to restart the installation.