/db2whrest/v1/report: GET

Gets information on all the curation reports that are available in the system.

The following table shows which roles can access this REST API endpoint:
Table 1. Access by role
Data admin Data user Collection Admin Admin Service user

Synopsis of the request URL

curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/
report -X GET

Supported request types and response formats

Supported request types:
  • GET
Supported response formats:
  • JSON


  1. The following example shows how to get information on all the curation reports that are available in the system.
    1. Submit the request:
      curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/
      v1/report -X GET -H "Accept: application/json"
    2. The following response is returned. In this example the system contained a total of only two reports, and the response displays the available information about both reports. The response data is in JSON format. The data has been manually reflowed to make it more readable.
          "name": "Age Report Detail. 0-30 Days",
          "query": "{\"filters\": [{\"value\": \"NOW() - 30 DAYS\", \"key\": \"atime\", \"operator\": 
          \">\"}], \"sort_by\": [], \"name\": \"Age Report Detail. 0-30 Days\", \"query\": \"\", 
          \"group_by\": []}",
          "size": 208,
          "report": "34d03123-4611-4f9f-9730-ffe89c6c53cb",
          "duration": 0,
          "filename": "Age Report Detail. 0-30 Days-2018-11-01_18:58:04.csv",
          "lastrun": "2018-11-01T18:58:04.000Z",
          "status": "complete",
          "schedule": null
          "name": "Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days",
          "query": "{\"filters\": [{\"value\": \"NOW() - 30 DAYS\", \"key\": \"atime\", \"operator\":
          \">\"}], \"sort_by\": [{\"datasource\": \"asc\"}], \"name\": \"Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days\",
          \"query\": \"\", \"group_by\": [\"datasource\"]}",
          "size": 21,
          "report": "b5ff3126-353d-4d7d-857a-750cc20b8bab",
          "duration": 0,
          "filename": "Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days-2018-11-01_18:58:14.csv",
          "lastrun": "2018-11-01T18:58:14.000Z",
          "status": "complete",
          "schedule": null
    Note: To download the output of a report, use the download endpoint. For more information, see /db2whrest/v1/report/<report_id>/download: GET.