Material and data storage protection

Special safety considerations are required when storing data or other material.

Consider the following factors:

  • Any data or material that is stored in the computer room, whether in the form of magnetic tapes, paper tapes, cards, or paper forms, must be limited to the minimum needed for safe, efficient operation and must be enclosed in metal cabinets or fire-resistant containers when not in use.
  • For security purposes, and protection against fire, a separate room for material storage is strongly suggested. This room must be constructed of fire-resistant material (minimum 2-hour-fire-resistance rating). An approved fixed extinguishing system is suggested. Fixed extinguishing systems include automatic sprinklers and approved total flooding gaseous systems.

If continuity of operation is critical, plan a remote storage location for vital records if a disaster occurs. Key considerations in the choice of an off-site location for data storage are that the area is:

  • Not subject to the same risk that might occur in the computer room.
  • Suitable for long-term storage of hardcopy records and magnetic media files.

Air conditioning systems

In most installations, the computer area is controlled by a separate air conditioning system. Therefore, emergency power-off switches for the equipment and air conditioning must be placed in convenient locations, preferably near the console operator and next to the main exit doors. For more information, see the National Fire Protection Association standard, NFPA 70 article 645.

  • When the regular building air conditioning system is used, with supplemental units in the computer area, the supplemental units would then be handled as previously stated. The regular building air conditioning system must have an audible alarm to alert maintenance personnel of an emergency.
  • Fire dampers must be located in all air ducts at fire walls.
  • The air filters in the air conditioning system must contain noncombustible or self-extinguishing material.

Electrical systems

Provide a mainline disconnect control for the computer equipment at a remote location. The remote controls must be in a convenient location, preferably near the console operator and next to the main exit doors. They must be next to the power-off switch for the air conditioning system and must be properly marked. A light must be installed to indicate when power is on. The National Electric Code (NFPA 70) article 645 states that a single disconnecting means to control both the electronic equipment and the HVAC system is permitted.

  • If continuity of operation is essential, a standby power source must be installed.
  • It is advisable to install an automatic battery-operated lighting unit to illuminate an area if a power or lighting circuit failure occurs. This unit is wired to and controlled by the lighting circuit.
  • Watertight connectors are suggested under raised floors because of the moisture exposures (water pipe leaks, high humidity levels) under raised floors.