Copying the output of the IBM Storage Scale file system scan to the IBM Spectrum Discover master node
After you have scanned your IBM Spectrum Scale file system and have the list.metaOcean output file, copy it to the IBM Spectrum® Discover master node.
As an IBM Spectrum
Discover administrator, use the
scp command to copy the list.metaOcean file from the scan
output directory to the /opt/ibm/metaocean/data/producer directory on the
master node.
Note: If there are multiple file systems in the same cluster that are being scanned, you can rename
the list.metaOcean file to avoid name conflicts and to not overwrite an
existing list.metaOcean file that is in use. For
$ mv list.metaOcean list.metaOcean.myfilesystem
$ scp list.metaOcean.myfilesystem moadmin@MasterNodeIP:/opt/ibm/metaocean/data/producer