Monitoring hardware from IBM Storage Fusion HCI System user interface

The IBM Storage Fusion HCI System user interface provides an enhanced hardware monitoring experience. You can quickly determine a hardware component in the IBM Storage Fusion HCI System that needs your attention.

The Resource summary section in the Overview page includes the summary of the total number of nodes and switches along with their health statuses. If there are any critical hardware component failure, it provides the number of hardware components that need attention.

The page also provides a graphical view of the IBM Storage Fusion HCI System rack and the color of the hardware component represents the health statuses. The nodes and switches are shown as per their appropriate locations in the actual physical rack.

For more information on rack unit numbers and location, see Hardware overview of a single rack.

The following picture shows a sample Overview dashboard page with a single rack. In this example, the rack shows degraded state for AFM node in RU23 and critical state for a storage node at RU15.

Figure 1. Overview page showing a rack and its components
the rack shows degraded state for AFM node in RU23 and critical state for a storage node at RU15.
The following figure shows a base and expansion rack setup. In this example, the power supply is lost for management switch in base rack at RU19 and storage node in expansion rack at RU7:
Figure 2. Base and expansion rack with critical errors
Picture shows a base rack and expansion rack. The base rack RU 19 shows a critical error and in the expansion rack RU 7 shows a critical error.
You can identify the node that has a hardware issue based on the legend displayed in the IBM Storage Fusion HCI System user interface:
  • The color green indicates that the status of the hardware is in normal and healthy state.
  • The color red indicates critical errors in the hardware and needs attention.
  • The color gray indicates that the hardware is in inactive and power off state.
  • The color blue with diagonal stripes indicates that an action is in progress on the hardware, such as power up, power down, or a firmware upgrade.
  • The color yellow denotes warning.
Important: The nodes and switch rack unit locations highlighted with the colors red and yellow have an issue and need attention.

For more information about and node and switch monitoring, see Monitoring nodes and switches and Monitoring switches.