/policyengine/v1/regex: GET
Retrieves list of all the regular expressions registered in the Data Cataloging system.
The following table shows roles that can perform read operation on the endpoint:
Data admin | Data user | Collection Admin | Admin | Service user |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Χ | Χ |
Synopsis of the request URL
curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://$SDHOST/policyengine/v1/regex -X GET -H ’Accept: application/json’
Supported request types and response formats
Supported request types:
Supported response formats:
The following example returns all the regular expressions registered for which you have read permission.
- Issue the following request in one
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://$SDHOST/policyengine/v1/regex -X GET
- The following response is returned.
[ { "regex_id": "EmailID", "pattern": "\\b[\\w\\.=-]+@[\\w\\.-]+\\.[\\w]{2,3}\\b", "description": "Matching Email IDs like : John.Smith@example.com" }, { "regex_id": "US-SSN", "pattern": "\\b\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}\\b", "description": "Matching United States Social Security Numbers (SSN) like: 513-84-7329" }, { "regex_id": "IPV4-Address", "pattern": "\\b\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3}\\b", "description": "Matching IPV4 address like:" }, { "regex_id": "Dates-MM/DD/YYYY", "pattern": "\\b(((0)[0-9])|((1)[0-2]))(\\/)([0-2][0-9]|(3)[0-1])(\\/)\\d{4}\\b", "description": "Matching dates in MM/DD/YYYY format like: 05/21/2019" }, { "regex_id": "Dates-DD/MM/YYYY", "pattern": "\\b([0-2][0-9]|(3)[0-1])(\\/)(((0)[0-9])|((1)[0-2]))(\\/)\\d{4}\\b", "description": "Matching dates in DD/MM/YYYY format like: 15/10/2019" }, { "regex_id": "MasterCard", "pattern": "\\b(?:5[1-5][0-9]{2}|222[1-9]|22[3-9][0-9]|2[3-6][0-9]{2}|27[01] [0-9]|2720)[0-9]{12}\\b", "description": "Matching MasterCard number like: 5258704108753590" }, { "regex_id": "VisaCard", "pattern": "\\b([4]\\d{3}[\\s]\\d{4}[\\s]\\d{4}[\\s]\\d{4}|[4]\\d{3}[-]\\d{4}[-]\\d{4}[-] \\d{4}|[4]\\d{3}[.]\\d{4}[.]\\d{4}[.]\\d{4}|[4]\\d{3}\\d{4}\\d{4}\\d{4})\\b", "description": "Matching Visa Card numbers like: 4563-7568-5698-4587" }, { "regex_id": "AmexCard", "pattern": "\\b3[47][0-9]{13}\\b", "description": "Matching American Express Card numbers like: 340000000000009" }, { "regex_id": "USZIPCode", "pattern": "\\b((\\d{5}-\\d{4})|(\\d{5})|([A-Z]\\d[A-Z]\\s\\d[A-Z]\\d))\\b", "description": "Matching United States ZIP codes like: 97589" }, { "regex_id": "URL", "pattern": "\\b((http[s]?|ftp):\\/)?\\/?([^:\\/\\s]+)((\\/\\w+)*\\/) ([\\w\\-\\.]+[^#?\\s]+)(.*)?(#[\\w\\-]+)?\\b", "description": "Matching URLs like: http://www.test.com/dir /filename.jpg?var1=foo#bar&var2=val2" }, { "regex_id": "Geo-Coordinate", "pattern": "\\b([-+]?)([\\d]{1,2})(((.)(\\d+)(,)))(\\s*)(([-+]?) ([\\d]{1,3})((.)(\\d+))?)\\b", "description": "Matching Geo-Coordinates like: 51.498134, -0.201755" }, { "regex_id": "CanadianSIN", "pattern": "\\b(\\d{3}[\\s]\\d{3}[\\s]+\\d{3})\\b|\\b(\\d{3}[-]\\d{3}[-]+\\d{3})\\b", "description": "Matching Canadian Social Insurance Number like: 123-456-789" }, { "regex_id": "CreditCardExpirationDate", "pattern": "\\b\\d{2}\\/\\d{2}\\b", "description": "Matching Credit Card Expiration Date like 11/12" }, { "regex_id": "CVV-Number", "pattern": "\\b([0-9]{3,4})\\b", "description": "Matching Credit Card Verification Value number like: 670, 0927" }, { "regex_id": "Currency", "pattern": "\\b(\\d+(\\.\\d{2})?)\\b", "description": "Matching currency like: 123, 25.50" } ]